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(1 edit) (+1)

i didn't realize that's what the donut did. instantly had to redo night one. lol

(2 edits) (+2)

Hello, I saw that there were comments with a similar question before, but now I can't find them to see if there is an answer. Still.. what about the problem on phones, when you enter the game - everything is fine, but as soon as you start the shift - the game crashes.. Thanks in advance for your reply, and yes, I played the game on PC before and I can say it's great, thanks for your efforts❤️

(UPD): forget it, i found a similar comment with an answer, it's a pity that there are no ideas on how to solve this :(


Mind me asking, once again, any news on Bliss Éclair? I'm a bit worried about her. Hope everything is okay.

Btw it sucks all the comments and toxicity related to updates, people should chill a little...


we have no idea what happened with them, they left the internet during the development of the original FNAFB version in 2022.
we hope they're also okay.

(1 edit) (+2)

were can i buy more merch from you guys since you shut down your store


Are there any cheats? If so please do tell me


I'm just wondering what's going on in development at the moment, not how close to being done but what they're working on at the moment


This game is amazing, im sorry for people complaining about the time, I know this kind of project takes time and I know you guys are doing your best  


I swear to God. If you guys would just sit down have some patience. Let the creator work on their damn game when they want to. I'm mean a free game for the most part. You guys are insufferable.


Muito bom recomendo


Ojala que haya una nueva actualización, igual que haga que se le pueda quitar el pn a foxi porfavor que sea una opción para a los que no les guste, para que sea justo que deshabilite una de las escenas 


Apparently the game has already been abandoned, and part 2 is just a myth...(




It's been quite a bit without an update on progress

Deleted 18 days ago

OMG :D * Supreme emotion* 

we love you very much and we love your art very much and personally I love the futas too.

you are very talented and clearly invested in what you do but What was up with the donut scene 😂 and why was it actually inticing

intrusive thought, chaotic evil energy xd


Will there be anymore Updates?

Update when?


Give them some time 

We'll get news sooner or later 

Any help on how to beat Freddy? I keep dying on night 3


When se moves she laughs, on her 5th laugh close the door on your right, on the 6th laugh you can open the door, from then whenever she laughs close the door and when she laughs again open it

When you see her the can next to your door close it until she moves to a different cam


yo thanks for making probably one of my favorite fnaf fangames, the quality is peak


Any suggestions on how to beat night 6?

foxy just drains all my power and then i die to freddy, I only use cameras to see foxy and I barely use lights lights

Bonnie and Chica make footsteps sounds when they're at your door, you can hear whether it's coming from the left of right if you have headphones so the lights are not required unless you wanna check if they're gone which is fairly quick. Freddy laughs 5 times before reaching your right door, she'll laugh one more time to go away (if you closed your door), and a second time to go back, there on you just repeat. The cameras become Foxy exclusive so you won't spend as much power lookin at them. I hope this helps u out ^  ^

Ty man

What happens when you just randomly get the golden Freddy jump scare? I didn't do anything to trigger it but it just happened

I play on android and it won't let me play on the web. Can you please fix this?


Saw Foxy giant dick and immediately deleted the game LMAO


stupid ahh


same honestly


Who do you need to die to to get the 100% extras page

then how

(1 edit) (+2)

What I had to do was beat night 1-6, 20/20/20/20 die to everyone, do the code 1987, do the code 6969 to die to golden freddy, and click the donut on the desk repeatedly 


A GREAT game!!But it would be even better if the sex scenes had sound effects.


wait, does Freddy in OG instakills without appearing in the door too? Because i played it really long ago and dont remember that. What i remember is that all you ever had to do was checking the lights on sides and listen to foxy on any night, and that was all, at least in most fangames.


Yeah, Freddy never showed up at the door in FNAF 1.

Yes, the original game also confronts Freddy through sound.

(1 edit) (+4)(-3)

Cheat codes at all?  I just want to have all scenes unlocked and do the custom night.


if you make a new part, please make more futanari 

(1 edit) (+10)(-3)

why at least make it optionally for those who don't want them to be one and for those who do 

hate how it's in Vulkan, mostly because my PC doesn't run it, any websites where I could just download it into my PC so I don't need to manually install this thing in my PC? if I have to manually install it, where could I get this thing?

(1 edit) (-1)

Any instructions for Night 6? i keep failing it


Leave the camera on the cove, when Freddy is at bottom right camera keep the right door closed, don't use lights: there are sound cues, when you flip the camera anyone at a closed door will leave, and Freddy will laugh when she moves, she will go from the right room to the right hallway only, so you don't need to watch the cameras except for foxy, and most importantly:

Stop playing with one hand.

Hope this helps! ^w^


Thanks i will testing it( And i played with two hands :D)


Y'all 🥷s hating on trans foxy gotta use this as motivation to lock in during the nights and keep bro out the office


Do not spam click the boobs on the poster.



o jogo parece incrível só dive um problema quando eu vou jogar ou no caso iniciar o jogo ele fecha sozinho seria legal se divesse uma versão lite

Es difícil tener el 100% pero estoy orgulloso de lograrlo, es un juego muy bueno

Como se hace para desbloquear la segunda escena de las chicas?

ufff no recuerdo, creo que es cuando  pasas todas las noche


I got just a question are you planning on making a version of fnaf 2 like this one as well?


Yeah so we can wait another 10 years for that to get updated too


cool game, almost got me as hard as five nights at tally hall 

Perfect cell would definitely say this

How do I get the 3rd star, I passed the 20/20/20/20 but It didn't unlock it


You also have to beat the custom night with the A.I. set to 1/9/8/7

As well as the 6/9/6/9 combo.

Just did it but still have locks in it, or do I have to beat 20/20/20/20 again?

get jumpscared by golden freddy and the donut jumpscare and clcik freddys poster boob

(2 edits)

Beat 1-6, beat 1-9-8-7 mode, beat 6-9-6-9 mode beat 20-20-20-20 mode, and get the golden Freddy and donut easter egg jumpscares

hints: donut in the office, spam press Freddy


I made a video on this game believe it or not

How do i get the 2 button when i get in a scene


Beat night 5

Ok but i keep dying to freddy on night 4

Nvm i beated night 5


How do I get past night 3


Freddy is your main problem on night 3.

Freddy cant move as long as your looking at her on the cameras, and foxy wont move if your USING the cameras. So the strat is to just look at freddy on the cameras as much as possible. 

You also need to occasionaly check on Chica, but that's easy because she is only ever on the right side of the map, and Freddy mostly stays to the right of the map too.

You can ignore Bonnie since she is deactivated on night three.

Hope this helps.

Bonnie is not deactivated on night 3, she activates around 4am, which is also the time I keep dying at, most of the time to Bonnie and freddy


OK, so here's how to deal with the girls:

Bonnie/Chica: Don't look for them on cams, it's a waste of battery, simply wait till you hear a stepping noise at one of the doors and shut the door on them, then check the lights to see when they leave.

Freddy: Freddy will laugh whenever she moves to a new room. On her fifth laugh close the right door. When she laughs for a sixth time, it's safe to open, as she moves back a room. After that it's just a cycle of closing the door when she laughs, then opening it when she laughs again.

Foxy: Only really moves when you arent looking. When she is no longer visible on the camera, quickly change to camera 2A to see her running animation, then close the camera and close the left door. After three knocks she will move back to her camera, where she will either go back to Phase 0 (not visible) or Phase 1 (peeking out of the curtain).

Golden Freddy: If she appears, just open the cams and you'll be good.

The Donut: Just don

Thanks I guess

I haven't tested it but I feel like the normal 4/20 strat for the actual fnaf would still work. As long as the devs didn't change foxy's mechanic of not moving as long as cams are open in general that is, because otherwise camstalling freddy whenever she is on 5th laugh and closing right door whenever you need to do something not on the camera would be optimal



That was more fun than I was expecting, didn't think I'd 100% it. Cant wait for the next one, have more cocks in it, piss off the phobes and satisfy my love for em >:)


real shit

How is development going? I'm not asking for a specific date or anything like that, I just wonder if for example the development of the new animatronics are going well?

(1 edit) (+14)(-9)

okay seeing people down below arguing on foxy.

foxy is a trans woman. These animatronics are possessed by the spirits of strippers. Among the spirits is a trans woman who posesses foxy.

not all transgender people necessarily want the bottom surgery, which is perfectly fine.

if you dislike that foxy in fuzzboob's has a penis, then unfortunately this game is not for you. it is against our design and wishes for our fox girl to have a toggle or remove the penis.


I like how the player is subject to butt stuff. Do more in the next one >:)




I agree. If you don't like it, simply just don't play it. 


IDGAF if a 🥷 is trans ts is just cosmetic surgery.. but how the hell is a robot trans?? I genuinely can't wrap my head around it can you PLEASE make a backstory segment in part 2 or something? I'd very much like to see how the (originally) male robot pirate fox guy got a part exchange and joined the rest of the crew in terms of gender


Lmao right and how about instead of this retard arguing about a fucking dead tranny possessing a robot (which still doesn't explain why the robot magically grew a dick? What? So did they just put a dick on it after the possession or?) they finish their development hell shithole game which is already a year past the original project finish estimate


Это же кафе для секса, почему просто не может быть аниматроника с пенисом для тех, кому нравятся пенис? 🤷‍♂️

Would be better if he was a femboy 

(1 edit)

(Android) when i open it stays in a black screen for some seconds and just closes it, any ideas? (sorry for bad English)

Sorry, I don't know how this could be fixed for you. 

it doesn't run on older 32bit phones, mine has the same problem, and it seems that it has already tried to optimize it as much as possible

It's a hardware issue, the dev would probably need to make a version for 32 bit phones as 1AA1 mentioned.

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