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En efecto, me trague de lleno el chistesito.

que bien come el Deimoss xD


I love this game, but I BEGGING U add "no futa" mode for foxy


Foxy isnt futa, she is a trans woman in this game.

(1 edit) (+3)(-5)

My b, "no d*ck" option for foxy

foxy futa go brr brr batapim.

tung tung tung tung tung tung sahur

Tung tung tung tung tung tung sahur mentioned 😱😱😱

Me sinto completo após zerar cada centímetro desse jogo...


How do I get the plushies


is there any chance part 2 will come out?




(1 edit) (+6)

i followed your advice and my grandma LOVED this game, it made her actually roll over in her grave !!! that is the first time in ages she has moved!



the animatronics do tend to get a bit quirky at night

para cuando five nights at fuzzboob´s 2 con milf´s en vez de whitered´s que fueron remplazadas por chicas mas jovenes ??


If yall are having problems beating 4/20, don't use the lights. Chica and Bonnie will make sound cues(hoping you have an audio balance on your pc)when they  reach your office(its the sound of them walking). Keep the camera on Pirates Cove(or Booty Cove XD) and just flip from time to time(I just did 5 second intervals). Freddy will laugh, for a total of 5 times, indicating her movement towards your office. Close the door on the 5th time, and keep it close until she laughs again. Now heres the problem. She will then only switch between 2 rooms after she leaves, so now you close the door whenever shes at the room near your office(it should be every other laugh but it may vary). Now you just hope she doesn't stay long enough to drain your power XD.


No problem 👍

(1 edit) (+1)

I may or may not add wii controller and may or may not beat 20/20/20/20 mode with a wii remote 

I can't get through night 5 because of Freddy, it's very difficult to counter. 

But I'll still go through this

Deleted 4 days ago

Can anyone tell me how i get the characters second scenes? cause im at a loss here 😅

scene 2 of each character is unlocked upon dying to them after night 5

thank you i am a little slow 😅


what is the music name when you get caught

were can i buy more merch from you guys since you shut down your store


Hor hor hor hor hor hor hor hor hoooor hor hoor horhor 

(2 edits) (+3)(-1)

I DID IT! I did everything 100%. If someone is interested in getting caught by all the animatronics, go through all the nights, click on the donut several times, enter the following three parameters in the "Night 7" settings - 20/20/20/20, 1/9/8/7 and go through them, and also enter there - 6/9/6/9 and go through the golden Freddy. And yes, it will also be funny if you press on Freddy's boobs on a poster in our shelter, I hope my information helped at least someone. The developer is a cutie, I'll be waiting for the release of the second part. I'm sorry that my English is so shit, I'm writing through a translator.

Although it's a pity that I went through the game on the site and when I refreshed the page, everything was reset, but I'm still very happy.

If you play on 1/9/8/3, golden freddy will always appear (at least it happened to me both times I played on 1/9/8/3)


I gotta be honest, good game but kinda a bit too hard. Power goes out way too fast, Freddy's ai just goes back and forth between 2 rooms after the path she does, and those 2 combined make every night where she's active make it really annoying to try to get past. (Also no, I don't play many fnaf games.)

I was actually surprised how well I did in this, if it is the same difficulty as the mainline games, then the games are easier than I expected (the first one at least.)

also if shes in either of those two rooms if you dont keep the door closed she can jump at any time her program works different just like in the original game 😭

That's the most annoying part of her ai


I love this game so much. Is it possible that we’ll get the other FNaF games like this? I’d love to see FNaF 2 in this style.

Can someone tell me how to 100% the game? l at 92%

what all have you done? I could help 

Beat 7 nights 1987 6969 glazed easteregg thats all l did

hmm did more than me and I got 100% only thing I can think of is getting caught by all the animatronics and maybe golden freddy 

did that to got 2 stars


  • Beat nights 1-6
  • Beat 4/20 mode
  • Get all scenes (scene 2 of each character is unlocked upon dying to them after night 5)
  • Type 1-9-8-7 into custom night AND BEAT THE NIGHT
  • Type 6-9-6-9 into custom night
  • Click the blue donut in your office multiple times

4/20 is kinda impossible


how do you unlock the 2 scenes? i cant figure it out do i finish all five nights first? cause i didnt realize there were 2 scenes for each character? my plan was to finish the game then collect the extras so what do i do?






are making all five nights at freddy games into five nights at fuzzboob's game or just one for now if you don't mind me asking

usually i remember that the creator of FNAF give permision to just make only the FNAF 1 for fan games, i dont know if you can make the others


I liked the game, but I hope the battery lasts a little longer please

is the project still alive? :P


Yes the creator had taken a break for mental health reasons but has returned to continue working on it

understandable lol, thanks ^^

(3 edits) (+2)(-1)

Intresting fun lewdy game of fnaf fuzzbutts an fuzzboobs, i got to night 6 within like maybe a day or just about, eventhough i mostly got atuck with chica haha! she was the one mostly gettin into my office to quick on night 6, no scary jump scares just lots of BOOBS IN YOUR FACE 😅😂, im still waiting for more animatronics to  lead with since  the games still a work in progress game but last September of last year was last update when will you make another, perhaps a female night guard vesion that has futas like cute erotic foxy, so far ive only seen her as a futa out of em. Im still gonnatry an beat night 6 eventhough its CRAZY.

how do i get the 2nd option when one of the animatronics start fucking me lmk


you gotta make it past night 5


On cams, in one of the toilet stalls i saw some giant purple looking fox thing with a giant strap-on and freaked out lmao. anyone got any clue who or what that is. i saw it for like 2 secs before my power went out lmao.


ok so scrap strap-on it was just a giant dick wtf. second time i've seen it

when will it be on mac because i swear it used to be and it was a really good game

(1 edit) (-3)

I think i got how to avoid Freddy in night 3 when He comes at 3 am in the cleaning room you know next to the Office you need to Close Open both Doors spamming both until she goes in the kitchen i dont know If i Just Had luck but you need to sam until 6 am Hope i could Help you guys



Just a tiny detail I want added hopefully added in the next patch or even Part 2 of the game but have the Foxy scene where you fuck her actually have the player's dick cum inside her too, btw LOVE THE GAME, everything is perfect about it I'd say! <w>


nearly impossible to beat the fourth night. og fnaf is easier so idk how you fucked that up

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

This is way easier than fnaf 1, one handed though ill admit is pretty difficult, but with 2 hands everything except 4/20 is easy, but that might be because I've played way too much fnaf


I beat night 7 on 4/20, it's not too hard


i only have like %10 or less at the end of nights where i barely use anything. i want to be able to enjoy the game a little and not lose


Energy is spent too quickly. Foxy constantly runs and sucks my energy, I can't pass the fourth night.,


Same we need cheats


If it's been that difficult, you can give yourself infinite electricity using CE. Then just lock the doors and cry in the fetal position until 6am.


Cheat Engine.


Just look at Foxy running to you on the left hall cam and she does much much less power draw, even I was shocked when I did the trick

can u return the mac version like before? cant play it on mac now bruh

easy game very good game and animations I really liked the game but when will part 2 be ready? will it take long?


if your having problems beating freddy then heres a tip every time freddy move she laughs so on her 5th laugh close your door when she laugh again open it and at this point every time she laugh shut the door and wait for the next laugh if you do this then you can watch Foxy and listen for Bonnie, Chica and Freddy


Love the game tbh. One small thing. Foxies run cycle. Its too quick. By the time you even hear it. No time to react. She just appears as soon as the sound starts. Either that or i got a dumbass bug lol. Either way. Love it.


thats so funny, if you want. click on fredina in the poster multiple times.


Someome can give me game with 100%

I cant even pass night 3 😭

i can't pass night 6 xD


How do I avoid Freddy?

its just as annoying as the original game if shes on the camera next to your office close your door until shes at least one room away if not she can jump at any moment her program is different from bonnie and chica you cant stop her with the light

I can't play it on Mac 

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