why would a game maker give u a beat game? if u need tips just ask here bonnie and chica make foot steps when their near ur doors and foxy has a timer that resets when u look at her u the timer is 15-23 seconds and freddy won't attack if ur tablet is on cam 6 but if u feel like looking at another camera shut the right door hope these help
chica comes from the right and bonnie left foxy booty cove she works on a timer every time u check it resets 15-23 secs for freddy she won't attack if ur camera is on cam 6 but if u want to check booty cove u need to close the right door then check also chica and bonnie make foot steps
id like to point out the power drains very fast more so on night 6 dispite my efforts to save power by limiting cam use will this be fixed? maybe being able to turn off the fan
thats the diffrence of fnaf and this in fnaf the lights are off but in this its on maybe the lights could be not linked to the power we need to survive cause i keep losing on night 6 due to power and if all the lights are on how come we need to turn on the hall lights to see them?
well itās not actually supposed to make sense. For instance, why would ambient power usage increase throughout the week? In lore, nothing changes day to day, but in gameplay the power consumption keeps increasing.
The actual purpose is to make the game harder. I mean, it doesnāt make much sense for your resources to be plentiful in a resource management game, especially in a survival horror resource management game (this behavior comes directly from FNAF).
for night 6, here are some tips:
Keep your camera on Foxy for the most part. She is very unpredictable (much more than in the original FNAF). Every 15 seconds she attempts to move, but after certain events she will take 25-43 seconds instead. Those events are: when she wouldāve moved but you had your camera up (60% chance) or when she reaches your door (100% chance).
In general, you want to wildly flip your camera up and down, but there are times when you can keep your camera down.
After Foxy moves, thereās a 15 second window where she canāt move again. You donāt need to use the camera during this time. You do have have to have the camera up at the end of the window, though, as she will attempt to move. After this, you will have another 15 second window where she canāt move. After this, there is ANOTHER 10 second window where she canāt move. After that, it becomes completely random when sheāll decide to move.
This presents you with an easy strategy (just wait about 10 seconds after she moves to flip wildly) and a hard strategy (time each second with a metronome and donāt pull up the camera unless you have to, then flip wildly). Also, you donāt need to check on her when sheās about to hit your door. This gives you 15 seconds of free time (but still camp the left door to shut it when you hear her). After she knocks, you have 25 seconds where you donāt have to check the cameras.
When an animatronic is at your door, use the camera on the main dining room to tell when they move. This will still stop Foxy from moving.
When Fuzzboob makes it to the cam next to your door, then you have to get weird with your strategy, but you can figure that out.
Sometimes they immediately get me from the next room. I had just checked the cameras and Chica was in the next room sitting on the counter and then I closed the cameras and she got me.
Oh that wasn't the problem they weren't at the door. by next room i meant camera next room. Or the room where she sits on the counter thats where she got me from.
if i may point out the power dies abit fast so i was wondering how it would be fixed maybe a in night minigame to recharge it or maybe being able to turn the fan off
On night three I think freddy might be glitched since they just jumpscare you without going to the doorway even if you have energy. I did this in the browser.
Also, what's the cue for Freddy? She just randomly shows up in the office and I don't seem to be able to do anything about it. The others at least show up at the door first, but Freddy just slides up from under my chair apparently.
The 2 option animations require you to beat either night 5 or 6. Can't remember which. And Freddy moves like her regular fnaf counterpart, only when she laughs and doesn't go to the door or window like Bonnie or Chica. When she's in the kitchen is when she can attack. As for timing, I got no clue.
You pretty much got it. From what I read, once she's in the kitchen you pretty much just close the right door and wait until she laughs again or knock on the door of something.
I answered your reply to my post, but I was assuming freddy was causing trouble during a 4/20 run. Idk if freddy can even attack you when you have power on night three, but if she can then just stall her like I mentioned in my reply to you.
I'm gonna go out on a limb here, but I'm guessing the trouble you're having is that you're running out of power and freddy gets you. Unfortunately you cannot stop freddy when the power goes out. Either 6 am will hit or you will get rawr xd'd. So really, the answer to your question is to just not lose power, which should be possible for nights 1-5 if you know how to save power.
The real question here would then be how to save power. The answer to that is to just stay idle as much as possible. Don't close doors unless you hear bonnie or chika move next to your door, or foxy has left to attack you. Don't use cams unless you're checking to see if foxy has moved, and even then check infrequently. Also, don't use lights if you don't hear footsteps. Only use lights after footsteps to see which animatronic is attacking, and then to see if the animatronic has left or not.
FNAF, and as a consequence this game, has a problem in that the early nights you rarely get attacked, meaning it's really boring when you know how to play. But, since the game doesn't tell you the rules, it's very intense when at any point you could be attacked. So, even if it feels wrong, just stay idle for as long as you can and you should beat the first five days with power to spare.
so my heart was racing and i was flipping through cameras when i flipped it down and this fat ass yellow bear was on the desk so i kinda panicked and it jump scared me and crashed my pc.
For those who are having trouble with 4/20 mode, here is a guide to help you out from someone who beat it within the first hour of attempts.
First, wear headphones. You cannot be using the light constantly to be checking the doors, and since bonnie and chika will always make a walking sound when they are at your door, it's vital to be able to hear that.
I have a lot of tips about how to manage the animatronics, but honestly it doesn't matter. 4/20 mode is EASY, so it doesn't matter how you deal with bonnie and chika so long as you can consistently stop their attacks while not being excessive. If you really are struggling, when you see them at your door close it and wait 5 seconds. They should leave by then, though you can use the lights to confirm. Freddy isn't even a threat until 4 am, and all you have to do is keep the cam on her final position OR close the left door when looking in the cams.
The real killer is foxy. Or rather, how bad you are at managing power with foxy. Either you're flipping cams waaaaaaay to much, losing tons of power in the process, or not flipping cams at all and getting 4+ attacks from foxy.
Keep cams on foxy until freddy becomes a threat. With foxy, check her very infrequently throughout the night. You are only checking to see if she's moved or not. This means for the whole night you are spending time idle, which is good because you lose the least amount of power this way. Only until right when she is about to attack, aka when she is out of the curtain and crawling on the floor, do you stall her.
When stalling foxy, check cams every 2 seconds for 3 seconds before closing and repeating. The reason you keep cams on her for so long is because this will actually stall her. Even if you suck at every part of 4/20 mode, just try holding cams on foxy for longer and you'll notice that she doesn't attack as often. She still will, but if you can keep it down to 3 attacks in a night you should have enough power to win.
I can give more tips, but try the foxy tip first and see if that makes it easier.
If you haven't played the original FNAF, and why wouldn't you since it doesn't have bobba, then you are missing a crucial concept called camera stalling. I'll quicky go into detail about freddy since she is the most confusing but easiest animatronic to deal with.
When playing, you'll occasionally hear a girly laugh. That means freddy has moved, and she will always move from the stage to your office in the same pattern. However, unlike in FNAF, freddy is suuuuuper slow, meaning you won't have to worry about her going near your office until 4 am.
To be super safe, occasionally check cam 3 at around 2-3 am. When freddy is there, that means she is one movement away from being next to your office. When you hear another laugh, you'll need to stall freddy.
Stalling freddy is the easiest thing to do in the whole run. Just go to cam 6 and forget about freddy. She can never enter your office, no matter if you have cams open or not, so long as the cams stay on 6. You lose the ability to visibly track foxy, though, so be careful.
If you think you need to check on foxy, close the right door and check on foxy. Freddy will only attack if you're looking at another camera while having the right door open. So if the right door is closed, you're free to check any camera you want. This will drain power that you don't have though, so do this very sparingly.
Some say that you can stall foxy the same way even if you aren't looking at her, meaning you should use cams as much as you have been even though you aren't looking at foxy. I never tested this though, as in my winning run foxy attacked at the very end of the night so I didn't have to worry about her and freddy at the same time. The safest thing to do is to just assume you can no longer stall foxy and check on her when you think she may attack.
the artificial intelligence is broken, sometimes the animatronic spends like 2 minutes at the door and a half or they do the jumpscare even if you have the door closed
It is possible for the AI to get into your room and wait for a bit inside your room before jumpscaring. It isnāt impossible to have them come in and close the door.
If you sit there and watch the camera's too much and for too long, Golden Freddy will get ya. I only kept my camera up for a few moments at a time and had no issues. I finally got to view a new scene lol.
Alright, I ACTUALLY figured out how Foxy works this time.
Foxy has a timer for how long she has to wait to take a movement opportunity. If Foxy fails a movement opportunity due to ai level being too low, the timer is reset to 15 seconds. If she passes that check but the player's camera is up, the timer is reset to 25-48 seconds (random). If she passes both of those, she will either advance or leave pirate cove. If she just advances, the timer is reset to 15 seconds.
If she escapes, she'll wait 15 seconds (or until you open the hall cam) to start running down the hall. If you opened the hall cam, she will take 2 seconds to get to your room. Otherwise, she'll take 1.2 seconds.
When she gets to your door, she'll knock 3 times, draining a total of 3, 6, 9, or 12 power (depending on how many times she's visited). If your door is open at any point during the knocking, she will enter your room. You can time when to open your door by imagining a 4th knock in rhythm with the others and opening your door AFTER that imaginary 4th knock.
Then, she gets sent all the way back to the start with a 25-48 second timer.
As for stunlocking Foxy, it's impossible without keeping the camera up at all times. This means that a strategy to deal with foxy relies on probabilities derived from observing Foxy's current state and necessitates risk.
When you hear bonnie come to the door i count to 8 using the tempo of the footsteps sound they make, close the door on 8 and open it on 9 and a half and i never even have to use the light to see if she is there or not.
For chica it is a bit different, you still count to the tempo of footsteps, but close the door on 7 and open it on 9, that seems to work better for chica.
For foxy, just count to 3 or 4 then check booty cove and watch for about 3 or 4 seconds and rense and repete. if you see that foxy has left booty cove, the switch to cam 2a to see them run, then shut the left door, because when you see her run she drains less power.
I have not found a solid solution to freddy yet but some other comments suggest when you hear her 5th laugh keep the camera on where she is to prevent her from moving.
even with all of this i still have not completed 4/20 mode, but good luck to you all
I know you guys said you won't provide a release date, but I'd love to get some idea for how far along you guys are. I really don't want to seem pushy, I just really enjoyed this game and am really excited for the update.
Yea, if you have the cam up when Foxy attempts to move, she'll instead enter a locked state that lasts 10-30 seconds. You don't have to have the cam on pirate's cove. Just looking at any cam causes this.
Can please someone send me a 100 percent completed file? I done it in browser sometime ago. And just cant beat it anymore. My discord is F1LzA #3926. I would appeciate it alot. Thank you in advance!
ā Return to Porn Parody
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juego kliao bueno
how does freddy work i cant pass night 5
she won't attack if u have ur camera on cam 6 and if u need to check foxy close right door
same as original game but just wait like 20-40 seconds it will not show at the door ofc like original
how do i tell if chica of bonnie are at the door based on sound ques i keep losing to them(on night 6)
ether get head phones or sit in a way where ur in the middle of the screen
is there a rewards for getting all three stars or?
Can please someone send me a 100 percent completed file pls?
My discord is: el_ottaku89
why would a game maker give u a beat game? if u need tips just ask here bonnie and chica make foot steps when their near ur doors and foxy has a timer that resets when u look at her u the timer is 15-23 seconds and freddy won't attack if ur tablet is on cam 6 but if u feel like looking at another camera shut the right door hope these help
Ok, thanks, I try It now
idk y i cant get by night 2 its dead fraustrating, any tips
chica comes from the right and bonnie left foxy booty cove she works on a timer every time u check it resets 15-23 secs for freddy she won't attack if ur camera is on cam 6 but if u want to check booty cove u need to close the right door then check also chica and bonnie make foot steps
you are a good person
your kidding me
no im just really shite at the game
it's the same thing as original
Any plans for an android version?
Eventually, goal is to finish this big update first. :)
K, good to know
id like to point out the power drains very fast more so on night 6 dispite my efforts to save power by limiting cam use will this be fixed? maybe being able to turn off the fan
It's supposed to be that way. It just means you have less power to work with.
well my latest attempt lead to me being so close then getting a black out then sniped by freddy how does a fan suck up so much power
u also have lights in ur room
and lights in lots of other rooms
thats the diffrence of fnaf and this in fnaf the lights are off but in this its on maybe the lights could be not linked to the power we need to survive cause i keep losing on night 6 due to power and if all the lights are on how come we need to turn on the hall lights to see them?
well itās not actually supposed to make sense. For instance, why would ambient power usage increase throughout the week? In lore, nothing changes day to day, but in gameplay the power consumption keeps increasing.
The actual purpose is to make the game harder. I mean, it doesnāt make much sense for your resources to be plentiful in a resource management game, especially in a survival horror resource management game (this behavior comes directly from FNAF).
for night 6, here are some tips:
Keep your camera on Foxy for the most part. She is very unpredictable (much more than in the original FNAF). Every 15 seconds she attempts to move, but after certain events she will take 25-43 seconds instead. Those events are: when she wouldāve moved but you had your camera up (60% chance) or when she reaches your door (100% chance).
In general, you want to wildly flip your camera up and down, but there are times when you can keep your camera down.
After Foxy moves, thereās a 15 second window where she canāt move again. You donāt need to use the camera during this time. You do have have to have the camera up at the end of the window, though, as she will attempt to move. After this, you will have another 15 second window where she canāt move. After this, there is ANOTHER 10 second window where she canāt move. After that, it becomes completely random when sheāll decide to move.
This presents you with an easy strategy (just wait about 10 seconds after she moves to flip wildly) and a hard strategy (time each second with a metronome and donāt pull up the camera unless you have to, then flip wildly). Also, you donāt need to check on her when sheās about to hit your door. This gives you 15 seconds of free time (but still camp the left door to shut it when you hear her). After she knocks, you have 25 seconds where you donāt have to check the cameras.
When an animatronic is at your door, use the camera on the main dining room to tell when they move. This will still stop Foxy from moving.
When Fuzzboob makes it to the cam next to your door, then you have to get weird with your strategy, but you can figure that out.
how to encounter golden freddy
keep flipping through cam 3 until golden freddy poster pops up, then just go back to your office and wait
Sometimes they immediately get me from the next room. I had just checked the cameras and Chica was in the next room sitting on the counter and then I closed the cameras and she got me.
sometimes when they move to your door it takes a bit for them to dissapear which can be too long, listen for footsteps instead
Oh that wasn't the problem they weren't at the door. by next room i meant camera next room. Or the room where she sits on the counter thats where she got me from.
The Golden Freddy Jumpscare keeps crashing the game
it is supposed to? ever played fnaf?
That's the gimmick with golden. He/she (gender depending on the game and theory) crashes your game
are you actually scared to misgender a robot
they literally said in the same comment it depends you scrap metal for brains
if i may point out the power dies abit fast so i was wondering how it would be fixed maybe a in night minigame to recharge it or maybe being able to turn the fan off
golden freddy is supposed to crash your game mate.
Sheās supposed to.
I love the art-work in this game
today playing night 3 was jumpt by golden fredy after that the game crached
it is on purpose
i'm missing an animation and i cannot find it
the only one i could think of whould be golden fredy put she cant be safed thear
just mess around with numbers in night 7
I hope that someday it will have an android support
My heart constantly loosing it with Freddy's Jumpscare. wtf she's so cute
On night three I think freddy might be glitched since they just jumpscare you without going to the doorway even if you have energy. I did this in the browser.
ŠæŃŠ¾Š¹ŃŠø 4/20
How do I unlock the "2" option in the animations?
Also, what's the cue for Freddy? She just randomly shows up in the office and I don't seem to be able to do anything about it. The others at least show up at the door first, but Freddy just slides up from under my chair apparently.
The 2 option animations require you to beat either night 5 or 6. Can't remember which. And Freddy moves like her regular fnaf counterpart, only when she laughs and doesn't go to the door or window like Bonnie or Chica. When she's in the kitchen is when she can attack. As for timing, I got no clue.
You pretty much got it. From what I read, once she's in the kitchen you pretty much just close the right door and wait until she laughs again or knock on the door of something.
Ah, okay. Thanks. I never played FNAF so I wouldn't have known that.
Neither have I lol, had no interest whatsoever in being jumpscared. But Boobscared I'm totally down with so I've become a quick fan of FNiA games.
How do I get rid of freddy she keeps getting me on night 3 š
I answered your reply to my post, but I was assuming freddy was causing trouble during a 4/20 run. Idk if freddy can even attack you when you have power on night three, but if she can then just stall her like I mentioned in my reply to you.
I'm gonna go out on a limb here, but I'm guessing the trouble you're having is that you're running out of power and freddy gets you. Unfortunately you cannot stop freddy when the power goes out. Either 6 am will hit or you will get rawr xd'd. So really, the answer to your question is to just not lose power, which should be possible for nights 1-5 if you know how to save power.
The real question here would then be how to save power. The answer to that is to just stay idle as much as possible. Don't close doors unless you hear bonnie or chika move next to your door, or foxy has left to attack you. Don't use cams unless you're checking to see if foxy has moved, and even then check infrequently. Also, don't use lights if you don't hear footsteps. Only use lights after footsteps to see which animatronic is attacking, and then to see if the animatronic has left or not.
FNAF, and as a consequence this game, has a problem in that the early nights you rarely get attacked, meaning it's really boring when you know how to play. But, since the game doesn't tell you the rules, it's very intense when at any point you could be attacked. So, even if it feels wrong, just stay idle for as long as you can and you should beat the first five days with power to spare.
Read your other post rn and thanks it really helped!
On night 5 rn and this also helped!
Heyo, I finished 4/20 mode and my completion is at 95%; What did I miss?
The golden bear broke my ducking computer
What happened?
so my heart was racing and i was flipping through cameras when i flipped it down and this fat ass yellow bear was on the desk so i kinda panicked and it jump scared me and crashed my pc.
bro got beef with golden freddy
I was so close to beating night 5. Best game for people who are too poor to afford Fnaf.
For those who are having trouble with 4/20 mode, here is a guide to help you out from someone who beat it within the first hour of attempts.
First, wear headphones. You cannot be using the light constantly to be checking the doors, and since bonnie and chika will always make a walking sound when they are at your door, it's vital to be able to hear that.
I have a lot of tips about how to manage the animatronics, but honestly it doesn't matter. 4/20 mode is EASY, so it doesn't matter how you deal with bonnie and chika so long as you can consistently stop their attacks while not being excessive. If you really are struggling, when you see them at your door close it and wait 5 seconds. They should leave by then, though you can use the lights to confirm. Freddy isn't even a threat until 4 am, and all you have to do is keep the cam on her final position OR close the left door when looking in the cams.
The real killer is foxy. Or rather, how bad you are at managing power with foxy. Either you're flipping cams waaaaaaay to much, losing tons of power in the process, or not flipping cams at all and getting 4+ attacks from foxy.
Keep cams on foxy until freddy becomes a threat. With foxy, check her very infrequently throughout the night. You are only checking to see if she's moved or not. This means for the whole night you are spending time idle, which is good because you lose the least amount of power this way. Only until right when she is about to attack, aka when she is out of the curtain and crawling on the floor, do you stall her.
When stalling foxy, check cams every 2 seconds for 3 seconds before closing and repeating. The reason you keep cams on her for so long is because this will actually stall her. Even if you suck at every part of 4/20 mode, just try holding cams on foxy for longer and you'll notice that she doesn't attack as often. She still will, but if you can keep it down to 3 attacks in a night you should have enough power to win.
I can give more tips, but try the foxy tip first and see if that makes it easier.
This is a pretty good strategy!
How do I get passed freddy she keeps getting to the 2nd til jumpscare position and she just jumpscares me idk what to do-
If you haven't played the original FNAF, and why wouldn't you since it doesn't have bobba, then you are missing a crucial concept called camera stalling. I'll quicky go into detail about freddy since she is the most confusing but easiest animatronic to deal with.
When playing, you'll occasionally hear a girly laugh. That means freddy has moved, and she will always move from the stage to your office in the same pattern. However, unlike in FNAF, freddy is suuuuuper slow, meaning you won't have to worry about her going near your office until 4 am.
To be super safe, occasionally check cam 3 at around 2-3 am. When freddy is there, that means she is one movement away from being next to your office. When you hear another laugh, you'll need to stall freddy.
Stalling freddy is the easiest thing to do in the whole run. Just go to cam 6 and forget about freddy. She can never enter your office, no matter if you have cams open or not, so long as the cams stay on 6. You lose the ability to visibly track foxy, though, so be careful.
If you think you need to check on foxy, close the right door and check on foxy. Freddy will only attack if you're looking at another camera while having the right door open. So if the right door is closed, you're free to check any camera you want. This will drain power that you don't have though, so do this very sparingly.
Some say that you can stall foxy the same way even if you aren't looking at her, meaning you should use cams as much as you have been even though you aren't looking at foxy. I never tested this though, as in my winning run foxy attacked at the very end of the night so I didn't have to worry about her and freddy at the same time. The safest thing to do is to just assume you can no longer stall foxy and check on her when you think she may attack.
the artificial intelligence is broken, sometimes the animatronic spends like 2 minutes at the door and a half or they do the jumpscare even if you have the door closed
It is possible for the AI to get into your room and wait for a bit inside your room before jumpscaring. It isnāt impossible to have them come in and close the door.
It worked like this in the original game.
My game constantly crashes after pressing go back on the Golden Freedy scene.
Intentional, she cannot be tamed.
where and what codes to enter, please tell me
1987, 1983, 6969 at 7-th custom night
Just 1987 & 1987 :)
(this shit took me 3 full days to beat in total, but it was fun, and no, im not going to pass my save, what can i say right? get good.)
what can I say I have a life
i call cap
my reply got deleted? lol
Great work!
Will there ever be a MacOS version available for download?
How do i unlock the other animations
not just the base ones?
Maybe because they didn't finish the game?
pass night 5
how do you do cheats?
Very well made, the only problem I'm having is golden Freddy but everything else is fine and fun.
If you sit there and watch the camera's too much and for too long, Golden Freddy will get ya. I only kept my camera up for a few moments at a time and had no issues. I finally got to view a new scene lol.
The longer I wait, the more I want to see the result. thanks for your work.
Alright, I ACTUALLY figured out how Foxy works this time.
Foxy has a timer for how long she has to wait to take a movement opportunity. If Foxy fails a movement opportunity due to ai level being too low, the timer is reset to 15 seconds. If she passes that check but the player's camera is up, the timer is reset to 25-48 seconds (random). If she passes both of those, she will either advance or leave pirate cove. If she just advances, the timer is reset to 15 seconds.
If she escapes, she'll wait 15 seconds (or until you open the hall cam) to start running down the hall. If you opened the hall cam, she will take 2 seconds to get to your room. Otherwise, she'll take 1.2 seconds.
When she gets to your door, she'll knock 3 times, draining a total of 3, 6, 9, or 12 power (depending on how many times she's visited). If your door is open at any point during the knocking, she will enter your room. You can time when to open your door by imagining a 4th knock in rhythm with the others and opening your door AFTER that imaginary 4th knock.
Then, she gets sent all the way back to the start with a 25-48 second timer.
As for stunlocking Foxy, it's impossible without keeping the camera up at all times. This means that a strategy to deal with foxy relies on probabilities derived from observing Foxy's current state and necessitates risk.
It's not polite to read the source files :)
game is hard af this is the least we can do
Only 4/20 made me to activate cheater mode, but other nights took me 1 - 2 tries to beat them
oh but it's hardly fnaf if you don't have a guide that tells you everything about enemy behavior
i would like it if someone sent me a 100% save file for this game legallybored#4157
ok so for 4/20 mode I have sort of a strategy,
When you hear bonnie come to the door i count to 8 using the tempo of the footsteps sound they make, close the door on 8 and open it on 9 and a half and i never even have to use the light to see if she is there or not.
For chica it is a bit different, you still count to the tempo of footsteps, but close the door on 7 and open it on 9, that seems to work better for chica.
For foxy, just count to 3 or 4 then check booty cove and watch for about 3 or 4 seconds and rense and repete. if you see that foxy has left booty cove, the switch to cam 2a to see them run, then shut the left door, because when you see her run she drains less power.
I have not found a solid solution to freddy yet but some other comments suggest when you hear her 5th laugh keep the camera on where she is to prevent her from moving.
even with all of this i still have not completed 4/20 mode, but good luck to you all
I know you guys said you won't provide a release date, but I'd love to get some idea for how far along you guys are. I really don't want to seem pushy, I just really enjoyed this game and am really excited for the update.
Is there some visual indicator for when Bonnie is behind the door? I can't see her at all, so I have to rely on the camera, which isn't great.
yeah there is, ya need to look at the wall, when she is standin behind ya door, ya can see her shadow
relying on camera IS great bc it stuns Foxy and uses the same amount of power as the light
That makes sense. I was thinking it took a little while longer for Foxy to charge, when I looked at her.
Yea, if you have the cam up when Foxy attempts to move, she'll instead enter a locked state that lasts 10-30 seconds. You don't have to have the cam on pirate's cove. Just looking at any cam causes this.
If someone has a complete 100% save please send it to me thank you I suck at this game
Discord:Rohan kishibe#3596
Can please someone send me a 100 percent completed file? I done it in browser sometime ago. And just cant beat it anymore. My discord is F1LzA #3926. I would appeciate it alot. Thank you in advance!
Can someone send me a completed file for this game, i absolutely suck ass at this game
Please, my discord is Kneecap bandit#0352
okay saddly i dont have a 100% file but i can try to help what night are you stuck on