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Ah I Remember that last update about the game many many moons ago. I believe it was said it was likely to be released late August or early September. There's No problem With it taking longer than anticipated especially since you are probably working your ass off. any chance we could get an update on how far off it might be? I fear some are losing interest 


It's a bit hard. It's like asking "How long is a string" and the string is ever-growing. 
I can always try to predict, but there'll always be obstacles such as being unable to work on the game for a month or burnout.

regardless, all I can say is work is actively being done and the actual release date will come when the string ends.

The effort going into this update will make sense in a future announcement.


will this ever come to mac i could have sworn it used to be.


finally i pass it that 4/20 was very hard and very difficulty and now finally i can relax playing with one hand

how did you pass

i going to give you the instruccions:
freddy: when she laughs 5 times she will be at the right door the next laught she will go, an the next she will be at the right doo repeatedly

foxy: u need to see she´s camera where she is running to dont get electrical issues and shut the door 

chica and bonnie: you need to HEAR when someone came and use the light and shut the door

thats all, you need to have luck and skill for this


This game's too hard, I can only play with one hand

Why's that? Honestly just curious. 

Deleted 47 days ago

I already did the challenges 1/9/8/7, 6/9/6/9, and 8/0/0/8


How do I get full completion? I'm stuck at 78%

(2 edits)

Can anyone help me run the app since my phone is a 32 bit android becuz the game keeps on crashing every time i open it 


Alright I love this game I mean who doesn't but after night 3 it's practically impossible because once Freddy's is at your door you have to spend all your focus on her and on night four you also need to figure on foxy so I made a strategy to keep cams on Freddy and close cams to look in halls but foxy comes into play and I can't look at two cameras at once so one of them slips though and if they don't chica gets me so really what I wish for is a cheat menu like they have in fnaf 1 in the settings because I would love to be able to see the full game


While it does get difficult, in my experience it all comes down to audio.

My current strategy that has beaten night 6 ( with my fair share of luck) is keeping cam on foxy. And checking it maybe every 10 seconds. Then I wait for 5 freddy laughs and whenever she reaches the closest cam I close that side door and completely forget about her until she laughs again. Since chica and bonnie both have audio queues for showing up it's just a matter of checking for when they have left to reopen the doors.  As for foxy whenever she isn't in her stage I force her sprint animation by looking st the hall cam and close the door. Ideally you would cam stall foxy a lot more than I do but you don't have time later on ( or the power to do so). Anyways hope this helps and good luck.


It's not that hard after you see Freddy  immediately close the door until you'll hear laughter. And for Roxy just calm down until you saw it's running stance. Don't get overwhelmed just focus on 4 cameras 1: roxy cam 2: your left cam 3: your right cam and 4: upper right cam. Focus on these 4 and you'll make it


Roxy? Wrong Game Friend


Yeah my mistake it's Foxy 😂 i got confused 

Remember: Foxy is a fox, while Roxy in a wolf.


First fnaf game I finished lmao,peak game

i see other characters pop up on cams sometimes. Does anyone know what hey do.

They're purely easter eggs. They have no real function.



how do you get a second scene for a character


I think you need to get Night 6 first

Oh. I thought it was night 5. 


Bear pussy go hard 10/10


i see a lot of people asking about part 2 and to make it simple read the damn devlogs its only two that are recent and important and arent that long. thank you
and for those asking for ways to see skip nights and see the other scenes easily..... dude just get good..

i hope youre doing okay pudding bakery and dont feel much presure because of a game because if you burn out or not have fun with it, then it isnt worth it
and for those sending disgusting massages i hope you burn in the deepest worst most disgusting pits of hell <:(

thats all and thank you pudding for youre work and its clear you put a lot of passion in it so i hope that the outcome is better than youever imagined it to be <3


Como puedo jugarlo en android?,me lo istale perl antes de que comience la primera noche,me saca de la aplicación

Translation: How can I play it on Android? I installed it in Perl before the first night started, it kicks me out of the application

(1 edit)

Anybody know how to get the "second version" of the scenes? (I'm in night 3)


brother  the only way to get the second version is to pray for the rng gods and get good at the game cause you need to beat night five (or six im not sure) and that shit is HARD


thanks for the info man👍

meh night 5 isn't that bad night 6 tho good luck lol

Yeah man im tryna beat night six and i failed many times at 5 AM right before it ends

I got through night 6 on my second try. 

I've also been keeping an eye on Bonnie when he (well, "she" in this case) is in the hallway outside of my office. So if I hear footsteps, but Bonnie doesn't move, then I know it's Chica. Watching that hallway also allows me to watch out for Foxy. I honestly think this is a solid strategy! I also do visual checks, seeing where everyone else is, and making sure that Freddy is where she is supposed to be. What about you? 

You must complete nights 1 through 5 to unlock the second scenes. 


I know it's not completely legal, but I'd like to ask if there's a way to open a file that opens all the scenes at once. As you can see, I have problems with skill, but I want to watch the scenes.... Do you understand me?

You're probably gonna have to tank this one in your search history


You probably won't have to answer the question if you can't offer anything useful.

Deleted 47 days ago

your probably gonna have to thank this one in your search history.

let's be fair here, if they were a way to get the scenes, it would already be posted; BUT as much as I'd like to help you on this, you'll have to do some research, as the others said.

Either way, there are most likely several people who have gotten all the scenes, like me. Unfortunately, I have not seen whether 20/20/20/20 mode has such a scene in it. This game is relatively hard and  most people who play it would not want to share their progress. 
Most scenes can be unlocked after night 6 by losing to each animatronic (except g freddy) once.
Honestly speaking, just play the game. It's easy to beat night 6 once you learn each mechanic.

Do you intend on making a FNAF 2 version of this


from my understanding the creator is working on part 2 so we can only wait and support him(or her or them i dont know anymore what to say with how many genders theyre are)






YES. Love the game, keep up the good work.


Очень жду Обнова, или 2 часть, ведь первую вдоль и поперек прошел, и мне зашло

Hey, to anyone who knows, did some problem happen and delay the update further?


add toggleable foxy cock pls


She's trans, if you don't like that then play a different game.


surely its stranger to give someone whos trans a bodypart from the gender they dont want to be cause theres surgery to remove it

Most trans people decide to not get bottom surgery due to high possibilities of complications.


night 2 too hard :(

yes im bad at video gaming, how did you know?

Umm... because you just told us you're bad...


How skip night

You don't, it's just like regular FNAF but with sex

Can't wait for this to work on Mac!

u can download the html version on mac on the app

or maybe not, im getting an error..

yeah it wont work

Yeah they're currently working on the Godot thing thats missing in the HTML version which will make it accessible for Mac so that's what I'm waiting for!


Really charming art and voices. 4/20 took hours I swear it's harder than fnaf 1's since the cheese strategies don't really work. Also on the store it'd be nice to preview the pizzaless art maybe in account settings when logged in or something. 

Cheese strategies? What's that? Honestly just curious.

I made an account for the soul purpose of telling you... PLEASE MAKE THIS EASIER I'M SUFFERING

Holy shit its so good!!! But hold on i beat 20 20 mode and my third star got a chain on it what does that mean😭  im at 73 completion

Watching this video might help: 

Here's the link in case the video doesn't work: 

yo, thx so much, i wouldn't have been able to find that out 😆

best porn game ever


game is actually difficult because of power budgeting 10/10 also incredible art well done


"DeffoNotTheSaveFile.json" lmao


i barely beat 1/9/8/7 there is no way i'm beating 4/20

Its easier than you think, the biggest thing is to optimize the easier parts of Bonnie and chica so you have more power to spare for the more RNG bull done by Freddy and foxy


finally completed the game... took afew tries to learn freddy... the other three girls were easy to contend with


dude your spoiling the 100% just show the number or somethin


Doesn't matter... this shows I've completed it and not faking it

How do i know if fredy comes !?

You close the door and wait for her to go away

on 4/20 mode freddy likely move every 5 seconds, just before that 5 second interval comes from when she in the kitchen make sure the right door is down, as soon as freddy laughs she'll be back in the closet MAKE SURE YOU FLASH YHE LIGHT TO CHECK FOR CHICA BEFORE OPENING THE DOOR

This shit is top tier 😭 i find it so funny. Hopefully it inspires a second project.


This shouldn't be so frustrating, please add more energy

why more?


it's beatable bro it's good the way it is. If anything I'd love to see a second version. 


my only question is why does the power drain so fast

Idk if this happened for anyone else, but

I passed the first 5 nights.

I didn't play the game for like 3 days.

Then when I reopen it today, all my progress got removed.

It's a great game, but what the heck happened?

in the warnings it does say ur web progress might not save its not there fault its itch's fault

Oh no, this wasn't the web version, I'm aware of that. This was on the version I downloaded.



For those wondering how to get all three stars unlocked you need to:

Beat base game

Get all jump scares including golden Freddy and glazed (for golden either 6969 in night 7 custom or keep flipping camera up and down on cam 5 until you see the golden Freddy poster then lower your camera and she will be there and for glazed click the donut until you get the jump scare

Click Freddy's nose on the poster in the office

Click Freddy's tits on the poster until you get golden Freddy jump scare (will not include sex scene)

Beat 4/20 on custom night

Beat 1987 on custom night

Bingo you got all three stars. 

PS: Tip for beating 4/20 mode, when Freddy laughs 5 times she is in the room night next to your office LOOK AT THAT CAM until she laughs and leaves, when you look at that cam she gets stalled and cannot enter your office unless you put the cam down or change cams so don't worry about Foxy when you here her 5th laugh, stare at her when she leaves and when you here a laugh again she is back in cam 6 so continue looking until she leaves and when doing this your door can stay open but MAKE SURE she is gone off cam 6 before you close cams or change it or she will kill you. 

PSS: A complete game will look like this:

Good luck! And btw Pudding and Glazed this game is amazing, Looking forward to see future content! ~ BBTPR

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