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Can you buff the battery in drain so fast can buff in pls🙏


Honestly, Night 6 was much harder than 4/20 mode. That and Freddy's unpredictability of how fast she moves. Still doable, even with extra power left. Just pray for rng to be on your side


night 6? bro with power drain and only checking cams the bare minimum to keep foxy away i got 5% left on night 2


You don't have to check Foxy that often. My strategy was that I kept checking left coridor on the cams every 4 seconds (on the nights 5-7) which allowed me to save a lot of energy. Foxy drains 3% of power on her first run, then 6 with every other run. If you don't check her running in the hall, she'll drain 21% of power. Freddy laughs 5 times until she gets next to your office. The strategy to avoid her is to wait 10 seconds and close the right door, this number heavily varies on the night AND the hour, she starts jumping from the closet to the kitchen more often as the night comes to an end. I don't recommend using lights on the doors if you hear Chica or Bonnie are at them, just close them and flick your tablet 2-3 times, then check the lights, they should go away by that time. I honestly don't know why you guys minus'd my post

(15 edits) (+3)

I second with this guy. Used his strats and worked beautifully. Your camera only needs to be on the left corridor for the most part and occasionally the kitchen if you want to check if Chika or Freddy are there.

Freddy is the most power draining one. Like he said, when the night starts keep count of how many times Freddy laughed. After 5 you don't need to count anymore since she's only going to the Closet or Kitchen from then on out every time she laughs. When she's in the kitchen count 5-10 seconds before closing the right door, but I recommend 5 seconds to play it safe, because at 5 am that's all the time you get before she attacks usually. Once the doors are closed keep them closed until you hear her laugh again and Chica is not at the door. Repeat the process whenever you hear her laugh. This drains the most power of the night so be prepared. if you forgot where she is just check the kitchen or closet for confirmation. Freddy's usually hidden in the far right corner of the kitchen with cum flowing out her mouth.

With Chica and Bonnie your ears are your friends. Whenever you're checking the camera on the left corridor and Bonnie is not there and you hear footsteps. It's most likely Chica so close the door when you do. (You can occasionally check the kitchen as well to see if she's there to attack or not and at the same time you can see if Freddy is there or not if you lost track.) When you see Bonnie in the corridor you can close the cam and expect her the moment you hear footsteps again 100% of the time if Chica isn't also in the kitchen. And like this guy said. You don't have to turn the light on before you close the door if you hear footsteps. I've found in my case that if I turn the light on before or right after I've closed the door after hearing their footsteps they stay for longer than I want them to. So just flip your camera up and down a few times before turning on the light after closing the door and they should go away, but they are really stubborn sometimes and have a whole ass picnic at the door, so take it with a grain of salt. 

Foxy being the easiest where when you're just quickly checking the left corridor if she's running or not. Just close the door and she'll knock 3 times, wait half a second and you can open the door again. And just because you hear her dialogue doesn't mean she's going to attack. Sometimes she attacks without any dialogue at the start so don't let it distract you and just check the left corridor every 4-5 seconds.

Golden Freddy is barely worth mentioning since you just flip the camera back up again to avoid her. Or don't flip the camera up for a scene, but you get the same scene if you enter 6969 on night 7.
You unlock scene 2 for the 4 characters after you beat night 5 btw. You can get snoo-snoo'ed by them afterwards or just check the gallery.

Your goal is to just be in the office doing nothing for most the time to spare energy and only check the left corridor, kitchen and sometimes the closet for information. (At the start of the night I like to wait till phone guy is done talking or if that's not the case I wait 10 whole seconds before moving or if I hear Freddy laugh once before taking any action to save me some time and power.) Count Freddy's laugh till 5 at the start of the night and afterwards keep a mental note on if she laughed or not so you can open the door. Use your ears for Chica and Bonnie and when you see Foxy running in the corridor close the door. And if you inevitably almost run out of power at 2% or 1% just let go of anything and don't move a muscle. If it's 5 am then you're most likely in the clear if RNG is on your side. If you get that down the game feels way easier. Just focus, count and listen. The worst thing that can happen is boobs in your face AAAHHHHHH! But you got this.

I actually beat 4/20 mode first try with that Foxy tip


iOS when?

Damn Fred girl or some shit is way too aggressive. It can take some adjustments to get used to holy hell you can't even slow her down by looking at her on the camera.  Hopefully you can reset her by closing the door in her.

is there a easy way to beat 4/20 mode?



(1 edit) (+2)

Guys, I'm not very familiar with FNAF games. How to get third star and what's profit?

And is there any fuckable easter characters except Goldie?



  • Beat nights 1-6
  • Beat 4/20 mode
  • Get all scenes (scene 2 of each character is unlocked upon dying to them after night 5)
  • Type 1-9-8-7 into custom night AND BEAT THE NIGHT
  • Type 6-9-6-9 into custom night
  • Click the blue donut in your office multiple times

Uh-huh, so I only need to beat 4/20 then... Thanks!


I never thought I could be amazed by a h game of fnaf. All the details in this game are just incredible! I like how this game doesn’t lose the spirit of FNAF while having some h material in it. You guys really did a great job of making this game ;)


Is the golden freddy rare

not really


Will there be sec game?


Why Anticheat???


it was used to prevent people (you) from cheating

It makes you PLAY THE GAME!

that too


Man, I have a fucking SKILL ISSUE when playing fnaf games

No 100% completion for you.

Same plus I alr got 50% and i'm on night 4 what phone guy says made me not care about him calling me a asshole because I felt bad but I was laughing when he screamed bring it and whatever else he said after that :3


were is the part 2? 



any chance you could make the power last a little bit longer? im not so good.


Skill Issue


then get good


if out of them all i love foxy out of all the them there just my fav ion all of fanf stuff and id love to see more of her

(1 edit) (+2)



Hi, I really liked this game, it's very fun, ironically I finished this one before the original💀 haha, well the truth is that it's very good keep it up I'll wait for the next updates, the only problem I have is that I can't finish 4/20 it's difficult, and also fun, I'll keep trying and following the advice of a user who commented here on how to finish it, blessings!


I don't know what user's tutorial you're following, but if it doesn't work out, you can try doing my strategy, it works very well

Keep the camera on Foxy's cove (cam 1C) the entire night (until Freddy laughs 5 times) and spam cams, like a lot. (I think Foxy has a movement opportunity every 7-9 seconds?) while spamming the cams listen for footsteps at the doors, close the door the footsteps came from (the audio is panned left or right depending on where it came from). after about 5 camera flips (3 cam flips on 4/20) you can check with lights and open door if they are not there. (or just open the door without checking to save power)

When foxy disappears from the cove, (which she WILL on 4/20) check the left hall, then close the door. If you wait for the shuffling sound effect before you close it she will take 3x the power she usually would. 

After you hear 5 Freddy laughs switch the camera to right door kitchen (cam 6) where Freddy should be. This helps because you don't actually have to be on Foxy's cam (cam 1C) to stall her and only have to be on cams in general. 

If you're on Freddy's cam, (cam 6) she can't kill you, like at all. (Freddy also won't leave your door until you switch cams with the right door closed) and if you want to check Foxy to see if she will be running to your office soon, close right door, quickly switch to Foxy's cam, quickly switch back to Freddy, and then open right door and keep spamming cams. This way you don't waste power with right door closed for like half the night.

This is how I beat 4/20 mode first try

Do you mean check left hall on cameras or just left hall in general?

the left hall cam that causes foxy to sprint when you check it

Okay!, Thank you so much, i will try too!

Wow, I beat it first try after using this, thanks! Idk if it was adding in the cam spam on foxy, or if it was from keeping the cam on freddy with the right door open. Do doors use more power than cams? Either way I never got to 5am when keeping the right door closed, but this method got me halfway through 5am, then I won after freddy's song when the screen goes to black.

Spoiler for the 100% orgy image: I accidentally spoiled myself when going to glazeddd's profile on e621 lol. If you're gonna post that pic to e621, you should post all other game art there as well, especially where they're standing around in the various rooms. I've screenshotted some of them, but there are so many (including bonus chars that show up) and the UI covers some of them. My faves are bonnie in the left hallway, and bonnie standing in the left doorway.


Thank you! I use your strategy and finally I beat the 4/20, I got the 100%, Great Game! Now I will enjoy the easter eggs yeah!

wow thanks a lot dude this really helped me


   what do you think  of "white power"?  



its a terrible power ranger catchphrase





and the white power ranger drew the short straw


you are an inkwell, I understand 

Buenas dias o tardes o noches, espero que se encuentren bien y que solucionen tu problema con el internet, como usuario el cual el internet se lo roban los vecinos y que a veces no tengo, entiendo bien tu situacion :,3 



that game have on pc so stupid controls. Why I cant chose me controls. ?

because it is mainly a mouse-controlled game, dummy

It's funny how I beat the game the second time with the weird controls. It's one of those cases where you found out about something entirely on accident.


not the goddamn donut


Yes the goddamn donut


just a cute photo of my parrot  :)

he will be forever traumatized when you lose




reminds me of this lol


is cute


I'm sure he's waiting for Chika to show up.



\(≧▽≦)/ 100% awesome game!


Hey guys, my internet has been down (& still is), my ISP is sending an engineer later today to fix the issue.

I’m giving updates in my server about this, if you are a british citizen do not use virgin media


Update: still waiting :/

Nah no way  (⁠╯⁠°⁠□⁠°⁠)⁠╯⁠︵⁠ ⁠┻⁠━⁠┻

Us too

Deleted 70 days ago

where this update at you can't miss the first drop

The dev has no internet so the game is stuck on her device, its on their discord

8th as in today?  Perhaps theres some time zone differences because Im eagerly waiting and its getting a bit late.   Cannot wait.  Also question, does the camera stall Freddy or not lmao??  I found that you can hold Freddy at the kitchen with the cam, but I wanna know if switching the camera to anywhere else has a point.  Obviously it does for Foxy, but does it do anything more to Freddy?


Cam stalling works. The strat is to keep an eye on foxy by spamming cams until 4th laugh, then cam stall. to check on foxy, close door and check

not really keeping the cam on freddy means she cant ever kill you even when its down but thats about it, UNLESS you wanna make her take a movement backwards on purpose, but idk when thats ever worth it

as for foxy she gets a movement opportunity every 8-10s (if she's on 20ai) and if any cam is open and being a actively watched she will fail any movements she has, so yes this means if you time it right none of the other cams ever has a use as foxy gets stalled by ANY cam and legit can be made to never move the entire night





For those interested in how to 100% the game, here's how:

  • Complete nights 1-6
  • Complete 4/20 mode (Custom night, there's a button in the top right)
  • Complete 1/9/8/7 mode (Custom night again, for the animatronic AI values, put the first as 1, the second as 9, the third as 8, and the fourth as 7.)
  • Input the second code (Told to you by phone guy during 1/9/8/7.)

Of course, saying it is easy enough, but how do you deal with the animatronics? I'll list my particular strategies below.

Bonnie / Chica - Put them together because they play the exact same. They come from the right and left halls respectively. Whenever you hear footsteps in your office (without the camera up), that means that they're at the door. If you have headphones, the sound is directional, so that makes it easier. Shut the door and check with the light to make sure they're gone (Chica is obvious, as she's in the window, but Bonnie leaves a shadow on the window frame when she's in the door, so check there). Do note that the footsteps cannot be heard in cameras, so if you're unsure, it's a good idea to flash the doors, but do so sparingly. On higher AI levels, though, they're both easier and harder to deal with. They move TO the door quicker, sure, but they also move AWAY much quicker (usually within 5 seconds on 4/20 mode). Keep that in mind so you're not using too much power.

Foxy - Probably the second hardest to deal with, especially on higher difficulties. They progress through three stages (Hidden, peaking out, on the ground) before disappearing. Check camera 1a (Right hall) to get an animation of them running, then shut the right door ASAP. When they hit the door, they drain power, so you don't want them to attack. Checking camera 1C SLOWS THEM DOWN, so checking it should be your top priority. I prefer checking it every 3-ish seconds on higher difficulties, but adjust to how you like it. Do note that after they attack, they go onto cooldown for a little bit, so you can see to other threats quickly.

Freddy - The biggest issue in the game. You'll hear her giggle whenever she's active, meaning she has moved one stage closer. After 5 giggles, she's in the kitchen (Cam 6) and can attack at any time your door is open. She, notably, cannot attack through doors. You can safely ignore her until it gets to the fifth laugh (So keep checking foxy), at which point things get a little complicated. You have two options to stop her from attacking. You can either leave the right door down until she laughs again, which moves her back one stage (Cam 3), or you can leave the cameras on her (She cannot move if the camera is set to the one she's on, even if the camera is not open. This means if you close the camera on camera 6 while she's there, she won't move until you change cameras next time you open the monitor). Do note that if you do the second option, you should close the right door every time you check on foxy, until she laughs, which means it's safe to open the door (Provided there's no-one else there).

And now for a few tips:

  • You can stall Foxy's attack when she leaves camera 1C by NOT changing to 1A, however, this does not stall her forever, and when she does attack, you will have very limited time to react, so use this sparingly.
  • You ONLY need to worry about camera 1C, or camera 6 if you're stalling Freddy with that. Every other camera is basically redundant except when you want to trigger Foxy's attack with camera 1A. You can safely use sound cues for Bonnie and Chica, and Freddy if you have the power.
  • If you're on 5AM and you run out of power, don't panic! The power-out animation is basically a few seconds of invincibility, which has gotten me the win more than a few times.
(1 edit) (+3)

Some corrections: 

1) You can hear Chica/Bonny footsteps even in cams 

2) You also have third method to Freddy. If Freddy have movement opportunity, she can move forward only if tablet isn't up. As long as you sitting on cams (even if you doesn't watch on her), she will not move forward. However if she in kitchen she can move forward and back even if you on cams. 

 My basic tactic for all game was just periodically check Foxy's camera and try to delay Freddy to kitchen as long as I can and after she laugh 4 times stare at Foxy (so Freddy can't move forward until I put tablet down) and if I hear footsteps closing right door(s) after. Something like that, and I beat game for 100% with this tactic. 

This info was actual at least for ver 1.1.1 

(And yes, this is mobile version, but I've 100% on PC also, but this was even earlier version) 

i was calculating the time of freddy like, how much time she waits until she moves, if you use a clock you can perfect time when she is going to try and enter your security room, that will help you because you will have a good timing on her, i dont remember right now but i think it wqas like 40 sec for her to move, so close the door at 30 sec then wait for her laught

Is the plan for part 2 to be updates to this one or a seperate game or a sepreate game in game like a nesting doll?


Tysm for making a censored version. I enjoyed the game and absolutely love the drawings and voice acting. Amazing job! Heres a link of my gameplay :) 


Just watched the video! Was incredibly fun!
Thanks for enjoying FuzzBoobs! :3


Can't wait to play more! :)


Is there any plans to add a marionette character to the game? Or are you saving that for if you do A fuzzboobs 2 in the future?

Bro es muy ez en android (realmente disfrute tu juego 20/10)



Finaly he Or she added Android Version this game i realy happy


here is i think bug report or probly one of the funiest fetures of the game i enjoy games difrently i like cheat engining them and if you change even a single value of the game it resets your progress to nothing i lost my 100% when i did it but if it is actually a bug not feture heres my idea dont fix it just add cheat code to skip night like in original FNAF becouse its to hilarious XDD


when you use cheat engine to manually alter a game no shit its gonna break lol? why should the devs add a cheat code because your cheat failed you?

Deleted 72 days ago

como que 94% completado???
al fin consigo pasarme el 4/20... y consigo 94%?! ademas que sigmifica que la 3ra estrella esté bloqueada >:[

I had the same problem. in my case, it turned out that I didn't find the glaze scene. you need to click on donut in the office few times and after you get 100%

no no, i did that first time i played lol, i got all the animatronics + glazed and golden, idk what im missing

You also need to beat 1/9/8/7 in Custom Night

What time will the update be on Thursday?

Hello! I have a question and the game can appear in Russian language? I would be glad и subtitles in Russian to understand what they say to me! Thanks for the answer and good luck with the development of the game;з

No Se Como, pero me pase este juego antes que él original 

By part 2, is it going to be something like fnaf 2?

well, its just be problably a few cosmetict  features, some new mechanic and eventualy 1 new furry.

How do I prevent Freddie from killing me? I somehow cant predict when she's going to


freddy cannot kill you if the camera is on her (this also includes when the cams are down) so as long as the cam is on her she cannot enter your office even when the door is open

freddy will also ALWAYS do 5 laughs before she reaches the right door so you can actually just count till 5 and know exactly where she is at without ever needing to look

if she's at the right door cam each laugh she will go back and forth if you plan to check any cams while she is at the right door cam always close the door first then look at other cams

There is no way. You just have to wait until she smiles to see if she is still there. If she is in the kitchen, only close the door.

Wait until she smiles again. Usually, you can open the door once she leaves. I hope this helps you.:)

thats just wasting needless power all you need to do is have the cam on her and she is unable to kill you as long as that condition is met, and yes this also includes when the cams are down as long as the last cam is the right door one she is unable to kill you


I'm currently playing on mobile trying to get 100% i did all the other things like the secret code and even beat night 7 two times now but i still can't get 100% for some reason

Whats the code and how do i put it in

In night 7 you can put 1/9/8/7 difficulty for each characters and the phone guy will tell you the second one

I'm stuck on night 5

have you tried beating 1/9/8/7 mode?

You also need to beat 20/20/20/20

will part 2 be a parody of fnaf 2 or will it be an extension of this game? And the 2 parts of part 2, will that just be one half nights on one, the rest on the other? With some other things of course?

first question, depends.
second, nah this is the full game with a bunch of new content releasing in multiple parts

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