[ANDROID 32-bit] Do you still plan to optimize the game if possible in part 2? Just like me, many people can only navigate through the menus but nothing more, I know it's a lot of effort, but even if it reduces animations or takes away visual effects for a better experience, I would like it to be in the game.
what helped me out was i tried to keep my door usage to one at a time if possible this helped me beat 4/20 and make foxy run it will help you out in the long run if you haven't already go to your east hall to make her run i would wait a tiny bit before hand to save power just mainly try to keep you usage at two bars
Teach everyone how to play 4/20, Start the game, try not to clickmonitor. When the battery reaches 95%,Constantly switchingmonitor just look at the left corridor at the same location. Preventing Foxes. Bonnie. (Chica It can be detected by footsteps), it is recommended not to turn on the monitor; Freddy. When it hasn't moved yet. You can detect where have gone through his laughter. will laugh four times in total. I suggest you don't use surveillance look Thekitchen. When he smiles for the fourth time, he will go to the kitchen . Wait for two seconds, then close the door. Continuously switching monitoring and it will leave. quickly open the door to save electricity. Wait until the next time he smiles before closing the door, You can master it repeatedly. ‘FoxyAfter starting the game, if you are lucky, he will come two to three times. If you himNot lucky, he will come time Four times. When the battery reaches 9-8%, it's already five o'clock and you have a chance of Live until six o'clock.
Surveillance must look at the same location in the left corridor. Preventing forest.
Can you add a system similar to how itch.io tells you a game might no work on your device? This is because for me android was working fine except that booty cove could not be view but even then I was always able to react fast enough to close the door so foxy couldn't catch me.
Amd what i mean is like a warning text tell the player it might not work on thier device but it allows them to play still because if they do play then it's their fault for playing a broken version of the game. (BTW I was playing on the browser)
Yeah but it could run and thats all i cared about so you could make so people can still play browser but if they were on android the current message could be switch to-
"Though you can still play the browser it is recommended that you download the android version for this game."
Freddy doesn’t go to the door. If she is in the kitchen and you are in the cams not looking at her, she will enter your room. Be sure to either close your door while she is in the kitchen or leave your camera on her.
So, big fan, but is Foxy not changed at all from the last version of the game? She still feels like complete RNG in the sense that I can be looking at her, flip down, flip up less than two seconds later and she's progressed a stage, it doesn't feel like looking at her frequently does literally anything, its just looking at her at the right moment, which is... impossible to tell. Feel free to tell me that its a skill issue, I just don't know what I'm doing wrong.
Every time you put the camera down, she gets locked for a period of time. That could be 1 second to 16 seconds.
It can happen where you flip the camera down, delay her for a second and then she hits her movement opportunity.
Looking at her frequently simply gives you better odds that you’ll lock her or block her movement opportunity. But being able to completely stop her takes away her difficulty.
It’s quite hard to balance all the characters when they are literally based on RNG, random number generators telling them if they move forwards etc
Keep your camera on foxy at all times quickly checking constantly, when she runs check the camera to get her to hit the door, when you are close to 6am and you see her gone just close the door and wait to stall. Bonnie and Chica are easy to deal with just spam the light until you see them leave. Freddy will laugh every time she laughs she moves, count her laughs until she gets to 5 when she gets to 5 immediately close the right door until you hear her laugh again then she will go back and forth from 4 to 5 so you need to listen for when to open and close the door. Foxy and freddy are the biggest concerns so just hope for good RNG.
A Foxy tip is that when Foxy knocks on door, she'll always do three knocks that take 1% power each. When on low power on 5am, it may be best to not force Foxy to door to preserve the power. Closing door when reacting to Foxy's run (didn't force to door) will steal a lot of power.
Well its not working, everytime i launch the night 1, the game close itself, i already redownload it, restart my phone, everything, and it still not working can someone tell me how i can fix this ?
I play on windows before, it so much good. But after that i don't know why i can't play. yeah... i delete the game. And i'm back! and can't open a game... I see a android ver. (Android 10) I can open a game! and i can't play... the game was crash... Anddd i'm gonna try it on my android 8. I have a picture in game (windows)
Hello, I'm dying to play, their design is very well done, great work, but when an Android version is released the download is prohibited, please help me? an external link would help a lot!
Really fun (probably more than the original FNAF if i’m being honest, if somehow harder), if Fuzzboobs 2 does actually happen i will die happy
two questions though (more like a question and an idea)-
is the G. Freddy poster not implemented or do I just have really shitty luck?
i noticed the original moaning sound from when Bonnie or Chica get in while your monitor is up, for all i know this might be planned for Part 2 but you could replace it with the other kind of moaning to fit in better :3
again, really good game! will definitely check pocketspa out when it’s out :D
lol thank you for liking this game that much, if we do make Fuzzy 2 (and that's a really big if ) I hope you enjoy it :)
1. if you're asking if Golden Freddy is connected with her own poster: yes. She appears as you see her poster
2. Unfortunately I haven't been able to get into contact with their VA as she's been MIA from the internet since before the game released (hope she's doing alright), so anymore voice work with Bonnie and Chica isn't possible without getting someone new to voice them.
I also hope you enjoy Puddings game PocketSpa when she makes it, from what she's shown me of that game so far, it looks stellar
Golden freddy's poster is implemented and shows when she is about to attack.
However, you may have bad luck as she can appear while you're on any cam (including the closet cam), and the closet posters won't change while you view them.
So bad luck i think lol.
for 2, check glazey's answer
and i'm glad you're interested in pocket spa! you can learn more about it as it develops in my server :3
Oh my god, 4/20 has finally passed. At that time, there was no power and it stopped for 5 to 6 seconds. The screen went black and I thought I had lost, but it ended up giving me an unexpected outcome
Is the golden fred supposed to crash the game? After finishing, I would click "go back," only for the music to cut off and then the game to crash after clicking a few more times.
She moves when you're not looking at cams. You can delay her, but not stop her.
Once she is in the kitchen, she will attempt to dive into your office. If you have your cam off of the kitchen, she will be able to get in. (unless the door is shut, then she'll return to the closet, to try again).
im having problems trying to run the game on OpenGl, the command seems not to work, it just gives an error saying that the file isnt recognized as an 'interior command neither an external one'
i used cmd.exe and tried changing the boot configs to force the glcore in compatibility mode, neither worked
Could u just leave the full command on the game page and give better explanation on what to do? that would be very convenient and would help everyone having the same problem, as i've already seen some people commenting about it.
Yeah, every thing is up to date, already checked, no idea what could be happening
wouldnt it be better having 2 versions on windows?
one running OpenGl3 and another one on Vulkan? i know its just way to much work, and probably not worth it since its probably a minority of people having the same problems as me, its just a suggestion
thanks for trying to help tho, good to see you care about the players
It seems that the mobile version has an problem, the menu, options and all buttons work just fine, but as soon as the first night loading begins, the game simply crashes, is it a problem in my hardware or is the mobile version corrupted?
Probably your hardware. Mine works fine. Maybe try to download it again? Maybe something got corrupted while downloading it. Or wait till the dev answers
Hey, ich finde dieses Spiel echt super, tolle Arbeit wirklich. Auch wenn ich nicht weiter als bis Nacht 3 geschafft habe bisher😂. Aber das liegt nur an der Übung noch. Echtes Kompliment
Eyo bin zwar nicht der Developer aber ich kann dir 1A (Krüppel) Tipps geben die dich bis und durch Nacht 6 carryn.
1. Suche nicht nach Bonny oder chica (falls du das Original gespielt hast weißt du bereits das du die hören kannst wenn sie an die Tür kommen)
2. Kümmer dich immer zuerst um foxy. Kommste in die nacht rein machste sofort die cam für foxy bereit.
3. Freddy wird erst zum richtigen Problem wenn er das fünfte mal gelacht hat.
Er (ja ich weiss sie aber stay with me mate bin grade im Original am denken xD) ist dann bei der Cam 6 unten und geht von da an nur noch im Wechsel mit jeden lachen zum Angriff rüber. Er wechselt dann zwischen cam 6 und der direkt darüber cam 3. Um ihn aufzuhalten musst du immer deine cam auf ihn haben. (Damit ist nicht aktiv gemeint sondern passiv. Hin und wieder gucken aber das kommt später bei tipp 4 genauer)
Solltest du die Cam wechseln greift er an sofern du nicht vorher die Tür geschlossen hast. Also schließ immer die rechte Tür wenn du die cam wechseln willst.
Ich empfehle alle 4-10 Sekunden eimal die cam hoch zu schalten damit Freddy keine Angriffsmöglichkeiten hat. Dadurch kannst du ihn nämlich an Ort und Stelle festhalten.
4. foxy und freddy sind die eigentlichen Gegner für dein Strom.
Der vierte Punkt hier ist meine Strategie wie ich es bis Nacht 7 geschafft habe.
Beginne deine Nacht immer damit deine Cam auf foxy zu haben.
Warte entweder (wenn du dein Glück Herausfordern willst) bis 1 und checke dann erst die cam oder checke die cam einmal alle 7 Sekunden oder 3 mal bis 1 Uhr.
Ab 2 kommt irgendwann Freddy dazu (manchmal auch früher) ab da wenn der fünfte lach Sound kommt von ihr bereite alles auf cam 6 vor. Von da an gucke ich immer alle 7 Sekunden oder 10 Sekunden mach Freddy und achte auf chica und Bonnie. (Wichtig: chica und Bonnie haben beide eindeutige Lauf Geräusche die man Herausdeuten kann am lauten stampfen. ABER beide haben auch eine leise Variante davon. Diese geht viel kürzer und man hört maximal 2-3 Schritte. Achte darauf)
Sollte chicha Grade an die Tür kommen hast du die perfekte Gelegenheit einmal die cam zu wechseln auf foxy weil die Tür ja eh zu muss (außer du willst besuch von chica eyo ich judge dich nicht 💀).
Foxy ist meist echt der Arsch weil sie entweder sehr späte Bewegungem macht oder sehr frühe. Das ist nur leider immerwieder schwer einzuschätzen (meiner Meinung nach).
Ich gucke immer ungefähr alle 15 oder 20 Sekunden nach foxy und schließe dann einmal die Tür rechts. Sollte foxy noch nicht auf Bereitschaft sein loszurennen (erkennbar an ihrer set Position wie bei Olympia Läufern) kannst du erstmal aufatmen. Kann sich zwar natürlich innerhalb von 15 Sekunden auch wieder rasch ändern aber ich fordere da immer gerne das Glück heraus lol.
Noch wichtig zu erwähnen: wenn du die Tür rechts schließt und nach foxy guckst und dann wieder die Tür öffnen willst: setz deine cam VORHER auf Freddy. Dieser bewegt sich nämlich gerne sobald du die Tür schließt und die Cam wechselst zwischen 6 und 3.
Hat mich schon oft genug ne nacht gekostet nur Weil ich aus Reflex auf cam 6 gegangen bin wobei er Grade bei 3 war.
Sollte dir der Strom um 5 ausgehen bete einfach das bevor du gejumpscared wirst die Nacht Überlebst indem es auf 6 umschlägt. Krasser tipp ich weiß 💀
Amazing game honestly I had lots of fun I mean really the game was really that fun and stressful especially when you run out of power and then it just turns to 6AM Proved like mark applier did when he played it and it worked But I'm having a tough time with 4/20 mode Keep making It to 5AM but I keep running out of power there's anybody got any advice
it requires a bit of luck, but you should keep the door closed when Freddy leaves the closet and goes into the kitchen. That was my main focus when I beat 4/20 mode
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[ANDROID 32-bit] Do you still plan to optimize the game if possible in part 2? Just like me, many people can only navigate through the menus but nothing more, I know it's a lot of effort, but even if it reduces animations or takes away visual effects for a better experience, I would like it to be in the game.
I have optimised it as much as I can, and the additional content coming will make it either impossible or too hard.
I would either have to make an entirely separate android build for this, but that would take too much out of me unfortunately.
Any tips for night 4? i cant seem to beat it either die by freddy or run out of power
what helped me out was i tried to keep my door usage to one at a time if possible this helped me beat 4/20 and make foxy run it will help you out in the long run if you haven't already go to your east hall to make her run i would wait a tiny bit before hand to save power just mainly try to keep you usage at two bars
thank you two the peeps who helped me out yesterday in the replies big thanks
all of you are awesome B')
congrats man! Have a virtual high-five :)
thanks man
Teach everyone how to play 4/20, Start the game, try not to clickmonitor. When the battery reaches 95%,Constantly switchingmonitor just look at the left corridor at the same location. Preventing Foxes. Bonnie. (Chica It can be detected by footsteps), it is recommended not to turn on the monitor; Freddy. When it hasn't moved yet. You can detect where have gone through his laughter. will laugh four times in total. I suggest you don't use surveillance look Thekitchen. When he smiles for the fourth time, he will go to the kitchen . Wait for two seconds, then close the door. Continuously switching monitoring and it will leave. quickly open the door to save electricity. Wait until the next time he smiles before closing the door, You can master it repeatedly. ‘FoxyAfter starting the game, if you are lucky, he will come two to three times. If you himNot lucky, he will come time Four times. When the battery reaches 9-8%, it's already five o'clock and you have a chance of Live until six o'clock.
Surveillance must look at the same location in the left corridor. Preventing forest.
The above is my 4/20 strategy.
I hope it can help you
not a bad strat, not bad at all. You did your homework
. Some fonts have translation errors, please understand
Can you add a system similar to how itch.io tells you a game might no work on your device? This is because for me android was working fine except that booty cove could not be view but even then I was always able to react fast enough to close the door so foxy couldn't catch me.
I’m not sure how i’d go about that. What device are you using, and are you on the latest version?
Amd what i mean is like a warning text tell the player it might not work on thier device but it allows them to play still because if they do play then it's their fault for playing a broken version of the game. (BTW I was playing on the browser)
The browser version is not intended to run on android, which is why a specific android build was made.
Yeah but it could run and thats all i cared about so you could make so people can still play browser but if they were on android the current message could be switch to-
"Though you can still play the browser it is recommended that you download the android version for this game."
Hello, may I ask how to defend against Freddie? I always fail because of Freddie.
Freddy doesn’t go to the door. If she is in the kitchen and you are in the cams not looking at her, she will enter your room. Be sure to either close your door while she is in the kitchen or leave your camera on her.
So, big fan, but is Foxy not changed at all from the last version of the game? She still feels like complete RNG in the sense that I can be looking at her, flip down, flip up less than two seconds later and she's progressed a stage, it doesn't feel like looking at her frequently does literally anything, its just looking at her at the right moment, which is... impossible to tell. Feel free to tell me that its a skill issue, I just don't know what I'm doing wrong.
I have the same issue. It's even more obvious on night 6.
She’s working as intended.
Every time you put the camera down, she gets locked for a period of time. That could be 1 second to 16 seconds.
It can happen where you flip the camera down, delay her for a second and then she hits her movement opportunity.
Looking at her frequently simply gives you better odds that you’ll lock her or block her movement opportunity. But being able to completely stop her takes away her difficulty.
It’s quite hard to balance all the characters when they are literally based on RNG, random number generators telling them if they move forwards etc
any tips for 4/20?
Keep your camera on foxy at all times quickly checking constantly, when she runs check the camera to get her to hit the door, when you are close to 6am and you see her gone just close the door and wait to stall. Bonnie and Chica are easy to deal with just spam the light until you see them leave. Freddy will laugh every time she laughs she moves, count her laughs until she gets to 5 when she gets to 5 immediately close the right door until you hear her laugh again then she will go back and forth from 4 to 5 so you need to listen for when to open and close the door. Foxy and freddy are the biggest concerns so just hope for good RNG.
A Foxy tip is that when Foxy knocks on door, she'll always do three knocks that take 1% power each. When on low power on 5am, it may be best to not force Foxy to door to preserve the power. Closing door when reacting to Foxy's run (didn't force to door) will steal a lot of power.
O jogo é incrível espero que façam a continuação
fantastic game
beat 5 nights
Very nice game, I hope one day to see a game based on fnaf 2 :)
Well its not working, everytime i launch the night 1, the game close itself, i already redownload it, restart my phone, everything, and it still not working can someone tell me how i can fix this ?
Update your phone, close all apps.
If the issue continues, your phone may not be powerful enough to run the game :<
Ok ill try thanks
เหมือนกันเลย- แอะ! โทษๆ หมายถึง It's the same.
How exactly does freddy IA works? Even if i'm acessing her camera every second, she'll eventually move, sometimes immediately after I down the tablet
you can always stall her but she will move
Idk how I still have 92% I've finished 4/20 , 1987, 6969 help
Is there anything else that I've missed?
you have to beat 1/9/8/7 and get the donut scene
How that works?(I also did the entire main nights, 1987, 4/20 and get the 6969 scene, but I'm still at 85%)
Already done 3 times. I have Freddy, Chica, Bonnie, Foxy, and Golden Plushies. And I don't have 3 stars too 2 stars and the third one has chains.
Why mobile is LAGGING, I need to reboot my phone just to turn on/off camers🥲
update your phone? close other apps?
that’s all i can really recommend, your phone may not be compatible
How do I get the third star?Beat the 1/9/8/7 mode in night 7
beat 4/20, beat night 7 1/9/8/7, beat 6/9/6/9
This is going just great
Ok. I back- wait... Android??? 2 DAYS AGO!?!?!? 238MB... ok.
hey so like it’s actually around 80mb, but the optimisations i’ve had to do to make this game actually run on most androids inflated it a little
it inflated to about 1.2gb before i optimised the assets and brought it down to 0.23gb
I play on windows before, it so much good. But after that i don't know why i can't play. yeah... i delete the game. And i'm back! and can't open a game... I see a android ver. (Android 10) I can open a game! and i can't play... the game was crash... Anddd i'm gonna try it on my android 8. I have a picture in game (windows)
for error screen, here.
when will part 2 come out?
We are probably going to have to wait a long time
10,000 years sonic
There is a poster spot in front of the office, Continuously clicking on Freddie at the same location will trigger an Easter egg.
Hello, I'm dying to play, their design is very well done, great work, but when an Android version is released the download is prohibited, please help me? an external link would help a lot!
What happens if you 100% the game??
You get the special scene :3
I'm not sure why, but the energy went from 25 to near 0 faster than it should
Really fun (probably more than the original FNAF if i’m being honest, if somehow harder), if Fuzzboobs 2 does actually happen i will die happy
two questions though (more like a question and an idea)-
again, really good game! will definitely check pocketspa out when it’s out :D
lol thank you for liking this game that much, if we do make Fuzzy 2 (and that's a really big if ) I hope you enjoy it :)
1. if you're asking if Golden Freddy is connected with her own poster: yes. She appears as you see her poster
2. Unfortunately I haven't been able to get into contact with their VA as she's been MIA from the internet since before the game released (hope she's doing alright), so anymore voice work with Bonnie and Chica isn't possible without getting someone new to voice them.
I also hope you enjoy Puddings game PocketSpa when she makes it, from what she's shown me of that game so far, it looks stellar
ur wRONG!!
At least for golden freddy, not the other stuff
Golden freddy's poster is implemented and shows when she is about to attack.
However, you may have bad luck as she can appear while you're on any cam (including the closet cam), and the closet posters won't change while you view them.
So bad luck i think lol.
for 2, check glazey's answer
and i'm glad you're interested in pocket spa! you can learn more about it as it develops in my server :3
So she can appear in any poster or only the freddy poster?
when she does appear, she can show on the left poster.
it took 4 days and 4 night but I found her
Is very good and so easy to play you should add Nightmare Modee
Oh my god, 4/20 has finally passed. At that time, there was no power and it stopped for 5 to 6 seconds. The screen went black and I thought I had lost, but it ended up giving me an unexpected outcome
. I don't know why I can't send pictures
Itch can be a bitch
They need to be under 3MB and uploaded using the image function. Pasting doesn't work, not sure how itch.io implemented.
Also good job!
congrats dude, hope you had a good time with the game lol
Developer!! Give me the lore of this game, and my life is yours!
surface level lore: Fuzzboobs was built ontop an ancient hooker burial ground
I must go below the surface! Thank you developer, I will spend an obscene amount of time trying to discover lore which probably does not exist
not sure if you wanna listen to glazed as he will string you along like what scott did to matthew •_•
Super worth it. I'm about to become the MatPat of Five Nights at Fuzzboob's 💀💀
if you do, please make the most obscene theories alongside your actual theories. Freddy is Nes type shit lol
you listened to me and now look at where we are, we took over the world >:}
I dont know english but so so understand. Put the code in the night 7 6/9/6/9 or 1987
-Beat Night 7 1/9/8/7
-Get the donut scene
the game can reach 100%
Is the golden fred supposed to crash the game? After finishing, I would click "go back," only for the music to cut off and then the game to crash after clicking a few more times.
if you don't like the crashing, there's a setting in settings which stops her from doing that.
Lol im still having trouble with freddy, i never understood how that mechanic worked, but that's a skill issue ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ still an 11/10 game!
She moves when you're not looking at cams. You can delay her, but not stop her.
Once she is in the kitchen, she will attempt to dive into your office. If you have your cam off of the kitchen, she will be able to get in. (unless the door is shut, then she'll return to the closet, to try again).
Hope this helps!
Can you make a way to download previous versions? I can not open the actual game and i cannot run the game on OpenGl
The current version runs on Vulkan, and can fall-back to the previous OpenGL version by using the command-line guide.
I recommend updating your drivers if you can
The Unity version, which was removed 7 months ago, cannot stay up due to Unity's runtime policy.
im having problems trying to run the game on OpenGl, the command seems not to work, it just gives an error saying that the file isnt recognized as an 'interior command neither an external one'
i used cmd.exe and tried changing the boot configs to force the glcore in compatibility mode, neither worked
Could u just leave the full command on the game page and give better explanation on what to do? that would be very convenient and would help everyone having the same problem, as i've already seen some people commenting about it.
Can you give this a try?
You’ll have to do the file name yourself then add:
--rendering-driver opengl3
the cmd one doesnt work, ill try the steam one, thanks for taking your time to do this
edit: on steam the game just crashes, its not my hardware tho, as i've already played this game before
have you updated your drivers?
Yeah, every thing is up to date, already checked, no idea what could be happening
wouldnt it be better having 2 versions on windows?
one running OpenGl3 and another one on Vulkan? i know its just way to much work, and probably not worth it since its probably a minority of people having the same problems as me, its just a suggestion
thanks for trying to help tho, good to see you care about the players
'interior command neither an external one' suggests that the command may have been implemented correctly.
Could you screenshot and send what it looks like for you? After you follow the steps provided?
It may help if you are in the discord to message about it.
It seems that the mobile version has an problem, the menu, options and all buttons work just fine, but as soon as the first night loading begins, the game simply crashes, is it a problem in my hardware or is the mobile version corrupted?
Probably your hardware. Mine works fine. Maybe try to download it again? Maybe something got corrupted while downloading it. Or wait till the dev answers
Is this with version 1.1.2?
If you are experiencing crashes, there’s a few things you could try:
-Updating your phone
-Restarting your phone
-Closing all apps
If the game doesn’t work still, it may just be your phone’s hardware.
Game theories on this game when?
there might be a reference somewhere ;)
No worries about asking questions. There is the discord if you'd like to join it, I can answer questions faster then.
1. Other languages will not be supported, my apologies.
2. no worries! I answer as many questions as I can on itch.io
3. Thanks for liking the game!!
at least you're an old man that likes Kick Buttowski :D
The game crashes everytime i open it. Any fix i can get?
Which version are you playing? Windows or Android?
I am playing on windows the last version.
theres a few things you can try.
Updating your drivers
Restarting your computer
and if these don't work, you can try launch the game in openGL:
all good?
Hey, ich finde dieses Spiel echt super, tolle Arbeit wirklich. Auch wenn ich nicht weiter als bis Nacht 3 geschafft habe bisher😂. Aber das liegt nur an der Übung noch. Echtes Kompliment
danke schon! :3
hast du vlt Tipps wie ich weiterkomme, mir geht ständig der Strom aus
Eyo bin zwar nicht der Developer aber ich kann dir 1A (Krüppel) Tipps geben die dich bis und durch Nacht 6 carryn.
1. Suche nicht nach Bonny oder chica (falls du das Original gespielt hast weißt du bereits das du die hören kannst wenn sie an die Tür kommen)
2. Kümmer dich immer zuerst um foxy. Kommste in die nacht rein machste sofort die cam für foxy bereit.
3. Freddy wird erst zum richtigen Problem wenn er das fünfte mal gelacht hat.
Er (ja ich weiss sie aber stay with me mate bin grade im Original am denken xD) ist dann bei der Cam 6 unten und geht von da an nur noch im Wechsel mit jeden lachen zum Angriff rüber. Er wechselt dann zwischen cam 6 und der direkt darüber cam 3. Um ihn aufzuhalten musst du immer deine cam auf ihn haben. (Damit ist nicht aktiv gemeint sondern passiv. Hin und wieder gucken aber das kommt später bei tipp 4 genauer)
Solltest du die Cam wechseln greift er an sofern du nicht vorher die Tür geschlossen hast. Also schließ immer die rechte Tür wenn du die cam wechseln willst.
Ich empfehle alle 4-10 Sekunden eimal die cam hoch zu schalten damit Freddy keine Angriffsmöglichkeiten hat. Dadurch kannst du ihn nämlich an Ort und Stelle festhalten.
4. foxy und freddy sind die eigentlichen Gegner für dein Strom.
Der vierte Punkt hier ist meine Strategie wie ich es bis Nacht 7 geschafft habe.
Beginne deine Nacht immer damit deine Cam auf foxy zu haben.
Warte entweder (wenn du dein Glück Herausfordern willst) bis 1 und checke dann erst die cam oder checke die cam einmal alle 7 Sekunden oder 3 mal bis 1 Uhr.
Ab 2 kommt irgendwann Freddy dazu (manchmal auch früher) ab da wenn der fünfte lach Sound kommt von ihr bereite alles auf cam 6 vor. Von da an gucke ich immer alle 7 Sekunden oder 10 Sekunden mach Freddy und achte auf chica und Bonnie. (Wichtig: chica und Bonnie haben beide eindeutige Lauf Geräusche die man Herausdeuten kann am lauten stampfen. ABER beide haben auch eine leise Variante davon. Diese geht viel kürzer und man hört maximal 2-3 Schritte. Achte darauf)
Sollte chicha Grade an die Tür kommen hast du die perfekte Gelegenheit einmal die cam zu wechseln auf foxy weil die Tür ja eh zu muss (außer du willst besuch von chica eyo ich judge dich nicht 💀).
Foxy ist meist echt der Arsch weil sie entweder sehr späte Bewegungem macht oder sehr frühe. Das ist nur leider immerwieder schwer einzuschätzen (meiner Meinung nach).
Ich gucke immer ungefähr alle 15 oder 20 Sekunden nach foxy und schließe dann einmal die Tür rechts. Sollte foxy noch nicht auf Bereitschaft sein loszurennen (erkennbar an ihrer set Position wie bei Olympia Läufern) kannst du erstmal aufatmen. Kann sich zwar natürlich innerhalb von 15 Sekunden auch wieder rasch ändern aber ich fordere da immer gerne das Glück heraus lol.
Noch wichtig zu erwähnen: wenn du die Tür rechts schließt und nach foxy guckst und dann wieder die Tür öffnen willst: setz deine cam VORHER auf Freddy. Dieser bewegt sich nämlich gerne sobald du die Tür schließt und die Cam wechselst zwischen 6 und 3.
Hat mich schon oft genug ne nacht gekostet nur Weil ich aus Reflex auf cam 6 gegangen bin wobei er Grade bei 3 war.
Sollte dir der Strom um 5 ausgehen bete einfach das bevor du gejumpscared wirst die Nacht Überlebst indem es auf 6 umschlägt. Krasser tipp ich weiß 💀
Das wär's soweit. Wenn du Fragen hast hit me up
^ 👍
Oh holy British goddess pudding's bakery who answered to my prayers: when part two for phone Ò-o
(Now my rotten brain only needs glazed to answer too and my bingo for 2024 is done)
Danke mann, mal schauen bis was bringt
Keep me updated. Hab damit auch 4/20 geschafft (hab nur mehrmals meine Finger gebrochen aber alles gut)
do you have to download every new version or does the game automatically update
no automatic updates, would have to download every new version. Sorry!
Amazing game honestly I had lots of fun I mean really the game was really that fun and stressful especially when you run out of power and then it just turns to 6AM Proved like mark applier did when he played it and it worked But I'm having a tough time with 4/20 mode Keep making It to 5AM but I keep running out of power there's anybody got any advice
it requires a bit of luck, but you should keep the door closed when Freddy leaves the closet and goes into the kitchen. That was my main focus when I beat 4/20 mode
Hope that works!