Stuck on night 6, idk if just bad rng or what but after sinking days into and just fighting this level, every time i lose its because i run out of power. this level has made me insane and ive lost all hope of beating it
pretty much what i do, i feel ive gotten the audio cues practically down pact at this point and i only watch foxy so she doesn't catch me off guard. Like i said just bad rng i guess. Thx for the advice regardless tho!
Here is my strat: Check both sides, then bring up the camera, only check Cam 1C (Booty Cave) and Cam 6 (Kitchen) back and forth, rinse and repeat. When Freddy is at Cam 6, close the right door, then follow the strat. Yeah thats going to drain the power, and it'll take some tries; but it was the only thing I knew to do. So hopefully it'll help you conquer 4/20.
played a little. It wouldn't be bad if Foxy didn't have a dick. I would like to ask you to remove it or make an option where you can play with foxy with a woman’s vagina.
it needs to be removed altogether!Foxy is one of the cool characters and the penis of the "female" version of Foxy is only a minus. So to hell with that.
For downs like you, you need a separate game with animatronics fanboys to fuck your characters. And normal people need to make a normal fnaf porn game with normal animatroic girls, without male organs.
You know, ifyouhave a mentallyretardeddisease, <span class="EzKURWReUAB5oZgtQNkl" data-src-align="51:2" <then<="" span=""> you don>span class="EzKURWReUAB5oZgtQNkl" data-src-align="54:2">'t</span> have to tell me <span class="EzKURWReUAB5oZgtQNkl" data-src-align="66:3" <that<="" span=""> you>span class="EzKURWReUAB5oZgtQNkl" data-src-align="70:8">'re</span> down!Did Iwriteyouabadword?No!That's whyyoustartedfirstand I askifpeoplelikemedon't upset you, pleaseshut the fuck up and keep quietin a rag!The milkhasn'tdriedon my lips yet tocommunicate like that, you fuckingidiot!Andknow that I don't give a fuck about yourfuckingopinion, you idiot!
You know, if you have a mental illness, then don't tell me that, you idiot!Did I write you a bad word?No!That's why you started first and please, if people like me don't upset you, please shut up and keep quiet!The milk hasn 't dried on my lips yet to communicate like that, you idiot !And know that I don't give a shit about your opinion, you idiot!And just so you know, the developers of this game will not do what you told them, you crazy idiot XD
By nature, girls cannot have penises. Don't write nonsense. There are no girls with dicks, only guys with tits. There is nothing to measure against, because I know the truth.
i beat 4/20 mode first try lmao got lucky or maybe my og skills came into play perhaps sheer horny aura anyway im almost positive there used to be more secrets scenes like a midna one is that still here? it says i 100%'d i
My strat was: Check both sides, then bring up the camera, only check Cam 1C (Booty Cave) and Cam 6 (Kitchen) back and forth, rinse and repeat. When Freddy is at Cam 6, close the right door, then follow the strat. Yeah thats going to drain the power, and it'll take some tries; but it was the only thing I knew to do. So hopefully it'll help you conquer 4/20.
I finally did 20/20/20/20 mode on this game, truly an RNG experience, sometimes foxy smashes the hell out of your power, sometimes not, freddy sometimes never wants to leave, yeah. overall fun experience
watch her closely when she is in any room close to your office and you should have enough reaction time to close the door when you realize she is not there anymore
WHOOOOO! Beat it! 4/20 beat my ass (maybe Foxy was apart of it), but man it was a good feeling to win! I did find out that you can do 1/9/8/7 before beating 4/20.
If want to know my strat for 4/20, and it can be used for Night 6. My strat was: Check both sides, then bring up the camera, only check Cam 1C (Booty Cave) and Cam 6 (Kitchen) back and forth, rise and repeat. When Freddy is at Cam 6, close the right door, then follow the strat. Yeah thats going to drain the power, and it'll take some tries; but it was the only thing I knew to do. So hopefully it'll help you conquer 4/20.
I know its kinda useless info now but its in my opinion easier to just count the laughs from freddy. Just count to five and on her 5th laugh close the door and then open or close it on every laugh from that point. I found it way easier since it saves a tiny bit of power and it also doesnt mess you up if you accidentaly misclick when going back to cam 1C. But ig thats useless info for you now lmao
can you get golden freddy scene in extras because when i get caught by her it playes the scene but when i press back it freezes and reloads the game and i dont get scene btw im playing the browser version should have expected bugs.
When you see Foxy leave the Stage, you have to look at Left Hallway cam, that triggers Foxy to come down the hallway. Then just let Foxy enter without closing the door.
I'm playing 1.1.0, I've also tried toggling the "Reduce Async Loading" setting on and off to no avail. Also, when it crashes everything saves correctly (the next night will be available, and the animatronic scene shows up in the extras menu) it just kicks me out of the game.
I've also noticed the VSync settings menu toggle will always reactivate itself every time I boot the game, no clue if that has anything to do with the crashing but I didn't want to risk this being an unnoticed bug.
Well if you mean by crash you mean close the game then that setting is suppose to do just that. But if it just refreshes your game like when it tells you all that stuff about it being 18 years and older thing then that's what's its meant to do. If its still crashing (as in force closing the game needing you to relaunch it) then it might just be something on your side can't say for sure though.
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how do i do the easter egg puppet jump scare
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Stuck on night 6, idk if just bad rng or what but after sinking days into and just fighting this level, every time i lose its because i run out of power. this level has made me insane and ive lost all hope of beating it
Try changing strats, theres one where you focus the foxy cam and check it every few seconds to stall foxy. That helped me to beat night 6.
pretty much what i do, i feel ive gotten the audio cues practically down pact at this point and i only watch foxy so she doesn't catch me off guard. Like i said just bad rng i guess. Thx for the advice regardless tho!
Here is my strat: Check both sides, then bring up the camera, only check Cam 1C (Booty Cave) and Cam 6 (Kitchen) back and forth, rinse and repeat. When Freddy is at Cam 6, close the right door, then follow the strat. Yeah thats going to drain the power, and it'll take some tries; but it was the only thing I knew to do. So hopefully it'll help you conquer 4/20.
i cant beat night 6
is there gonna be an android version
I downloaded it but it has a bug, the death animations don't appear even with censorship mode disabled
played a little. It wouldn't be bad if Foxy didn't have a dick. I would like to ask you to remove it or make an option where you can play with foxy with a woman’s vagina.
She looks better with a dick!And that's why they won't take it away!
No, it's not better! It's better without a dick! Therefore, it is necessary to remove Foxy's penis and make her a normal girl!
no, it would be better if foxy had a bigger dick :3
It looks like a normal size to me.
it needs to be removed altogether!Foxy is one of the cool characters and the penis of the "female" version of Foxy is only a minus. So to hell with that.
For downs like you, you need a separate game with animatronics fanboys to fuck your characters. And normal people need to make a normal fnaf porn game with normal animatroic girls, without male organs.
bro there are loads of other porn fnaf fangames without dickgirl foxy. go fuck yourself.
You know, if you have a mentally retarded disease, <span class="EzKURWReUAB5oZgtQNkl" data-src-align="51:2" <then<="" span=""> you don>span class="EzKURWReUAB5oZgtQNkl" data-src-align="54:2">'t</span> have to tell me <span class="EzKURWReUAB5oZgtQNkl" data-src-align="66:3" <that<="" span=""> you>span class="EzKURWReUAB5oZgtQNkl" data-src-align="70:8">'re</span> down!Did I write you a bad word?No!That's why you started first and I ask if people like me don't upset you, please shut the fuck up and keep quiet in a rag!The milk hasn't dried on my lips yet to communicate like that, you fucking idiot!And know that I don't give a fuck about your fucking opinion, you idiot!
You know, if you have a mental illness, then don't tell me that, you idiot!Did I write you a bad word?No!That's why you started first and please, if people like me don't upset you, please shut up and keep quiet!The milk hasn 't dried on my lips yet to communicate like that, you idiot !And know that I don't give a shit about your opinion, you idiot!And just so you know, the developers of this game will not do what you told them, you crazy idiot XD
i want the devs to add a option for different dick sizes just to piss this guy off :3
need an option to remove foxy's dick
No we need more dick :3
god i hate picky vanilla nsfw elitists
Excuse me, but girls can also have penises.
Get over it.
By nature, girls cannot have penises. Don't write nonsense. There are no girls with dicks, only guys with tits.
There is nothing to measure against, because I know the truth.
get banned, prickhead
i beat 4/20 mode first try lmao got lucky or maybe my og skills came into play perhaps sheer horny aura anyway im almost positive there used to be more secrets scenes like a midna one is that still here? it says i 100%'d i
I saw the midna scene, if you're talking about the one in the bottom right cam
I beat nights 1-5 deathless and then it took four deaths plus a golden freddy death to beat night 6. That was no joke.
Anybody have any advice for night 7?
My strat was: Check both sides, then bring up the camera, only check Cam 1C (Booty Cave) and Cam 6 (Kitchen) back and forth, rinse and repeat. When Freddy is at Cam 6, close the right door, then follow the strat. Yeah thats going to drain the power, and it'll take some tries; but it was the only thing I knew to do. So hopefully it'll help you conquer 4/20.
how do you get the 3 star i completet night 7 4/20 and now the 3 star is locked up?
Gotta go in Custom Night, and put in the code: 1/9/8/7
Dude your the best.
I try :)
In all honesty, no problem love to help someone out.
how long does it take to make an android version?
would you consider making FNaFB 2 based off the second game?
In terms of gameplay and characters, ye
Dont tease with Fuzzboobs 2 :( also Golden frenni I need more she and Frenni are the best.
I honestly got jumped by the golden frenni thing :D
what's golden frenni?
Lol are you trolling yellow bear lady
who's frenni?
Basically golden Freddy usually appears night 4
when the creator of the game doesn't know their character. 💀
when the throw_away_acc doesn't know anything about fuzzboobs lol
there's no frenni here
will there be a macbook version?
eventually there will be a mac version
When did this game gonna work in mobile/android? I want to play i but i cant play
i dont entirely know if that'll be possible but i will try
No matter what i do foxy always leaves her cove before 1am on night 6
Hey would you be able to make it for mobile i cant play it on mobile
my brain: "booba"
also my brain: *easily startled by anything and everything*
in other words the golden Freddy poster jumpscare really got me
I finally did 20/20/20/20 mode on this game, truly an RNG experience, sometimes foxy smashes the hell out of your power, sometimes not, freddy sometimes never wants to leave, yeah. overall fun experience
five nights at
freeeeddyyyy'sfuuzzzboooob'sKnown Issues:
there's also an issue with AMD GPUs and OpenGL, which I plan to try fix with making a Vulkan version
Good to know thanks
when i open my cams see nothing
list your gpu and cpu and ram
Intel® HD Graphics 3000
Intel® Core™ i3-2370M
4.0 GB
Open your eyes?
Why can`t i download the game? It`s not the only game that has the same problem
I want to ask if there are any fully archived files, I really can't make it to the sixth night.
how in the hell do i avoid freddy
watch her closely when she is in any room close to your office and you should have enough reaction time to close the door when you realize she is not there anymore
Count how many laughs she makes, when you hear 5 she is in the next room near the door, she will bounce over the forth and fifth room
FuxxBoobs almost got me but when she was singing it turned to 6
+100 luck
I can't see the game
100% fuck yeah
WHOOOOO! Beat it! 4/20 beat my ass (maybe Foxy was apart of it), but man it was a good feeling to win! I did find out that you can do 1/9/8/7 before beating 4/20.
If want to know my strat for 4/20, and it can be used for Night 6. My strat was: Check both sides, then bring up the camera, only check Cam 1C (Booty Cave) and Cam 6 (Kitchen) back and forth, rise and repeat. When Freddy is at Cam 6, close the right door, then follow the strat. Yeah thats going to drain the power, and it'll take some tries; but it was the only thing I knew to do. So hopefully it'll help you conquer 4/20.
I know its kinda useless info now but its in my opinion easier to just count the laughs from freddy. Just count to five and on her 5th laugh close the door and then open or close it on every laugh from that point. I found it way easier since it saves a tiny bit of power and it also doesnt mess you up if you accidentaly misclick when going back to cam 1C. But ig thats useless info for you now lmao
Thanks! I tried the laugh count, and it didn't work for me. Maybe I was doing it wrong. But thanks again though!
Hello, i was wondering if you can share me the assets of the game. I just want to take a look in the code and assets.
that's obviously a lie lmao
Then what the fuck i want?
ALL i can see os a black screen, in short words, i blind. How can i fix It ? I want to play ;^;.
The animations for Freddy, Chica and Golden Freddy doesn't work
is it possible for you to make a download for DE part 1 for chromebook/OS, i dont have a PC that runs on windows so this would be very helpful, thanks
can you get golden freddy scene in extras because when i get caught by her it playes the scene but when i press back it freezes and reloads the game and i dont get scene btw im playing the browser version should have expected bugs.
6/9/6/9 - settings in custom night menu for Goldie's scene at any time.
are you a child or do you not speak english because the correct word is scene
wha bro check are you blind or you cant read
How do I get FT foxy?
When you see Foxy leave the Stage, you have to look at Left Hallway cam, that triggers Foxy to come down the hallway. Then just let Foxy enter without closing the door.
I'm Crashing every time I get jumpscared or beat a night. How can I fix this?
Which version are you playing?
I'm playing 1.1.0, I've also tried toggling the "Reduce Async Loading" setting on and off to no avail. Also, when it crashes everything saves correctly (the next night will be available, and the animatronic scene shows up in the extras menu) it just kicks me out of the game.
I've also noticed the VSync settings menu toggle will always reactivate itself every time I boot the game, no clue if that has anything to do with the crashing but I didn't want to risk this being an unnoticed bug.
In the setting there is a "Prevent GF crashes" setting just turn that o
That didn't work for me.
Well if you mean by crash you mean close the game then that setting is suppose to do just that. But if it just refreshes your game like when it tells you all that stuff about it being 18 years and older thing then that's what's its meant to do. If its still crashing (as in force closing the game needing you to relaunch it) then it might just be something on your side can't say for sure though.