Freddy will giggle 5 times before coming to your door if she’s in the kitchen. Bonny comes from the left and Chika comes from the right. Open your camera on foxy every few seconds, so you can delay her run.
A shame really. I'd love it if it were like the kitchen in the og but maybe for other animatronic than chica. Maybe adding it as an actual room messes with their path
Headphones can really help for 4/20. All you have to do is watch foxy on Bootycove, and listen for the other girl's footsteps. The more you keep cams on foxy, the longer it stalls her from running to your door.
This doesn't have stereo sound tho, or does it? It'd be amazing to tell which door they're coming just by hearing alone.
Also, does Freddy make any noise when she moves from the bottom right camera into the office? I tried testing it but I couldn't hear any footsteps or giggles (other than her leaving)
well no, foxy is always hits 3 times per visit and after each visit the next time they come, takes 1% more each hit, so first hit is 3 (1 per) second is 6 (2 per) and so on until 5
It's supposed to be possible if you manage to stall Foxy enough to run at you once in the whole night. I think that's the only thing that makes it as hard as it is.
I learned that, to get the plushies, you don't need to beat 4/20; you just need to beat the animatronics at their lvl 20. Which means you can take them one on one and still get the plushies. That said, beating 4/20 gives you the last 5% completion.
You have to get them in the game, in order for them to become shortcuts for you. (Once you get one, you can always get it again by going to its shortcut, without having to play the game for it again)
how many people just opens the door to check and see if Bonnie is still there instead of focusing on the alien art that's i the window (10/10 alien art btw)
bonnie stays at the door for WAY to long in night 4, between her and freddie its nearly impossible to not lose all electricity before you reach 6am without just getting lucky
Your best bet, is to last your power until a little after 5am. By doing so, even if you run out of power, and freddy is going to jumpscare you, you have a chance to clutch and get to 6 am before she can jumpscare you. So utilize your power to try and save it until atleast 5 am, and maybe it might help.
The more nights you get, the more scenes you can unlock. Notice that if you die at night 1 or 2, you don't get all the sex scenes, as there are still some that you have to unlock. You can only do this by progressing more into the game and beating more nights.
If you've played the original five nights at freddy's before, then its basically the same. There's animatronics that will move around and attempt to reach your office door, an come inside to jumpscare you. To stop that, you have to use cams to find their location, and close your doors at the appropriate time.
Of course, there's more than that to the game, but you will learn as you progress in the game.
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Is there anything to get in the credits?
a couple of plushies! :)
how do you get them
I watched the credits once. Not sure if u need to watch em till the end, but I guess it makes sense :)
im stuck at night 4 can somebody help me?
who keeps on killing you?
try not to look at cams as much and for chica everytime you get on cams check on her to keep her away.
freddy is killing me but i still have power
Freddy will giggle 5 times before coming to your door if she’s in the kitchen. Bonny comes from the left and Chika comes from the right. Open your camera on foxy every few seconds, so you can delay her run.
Foxy has a sexy dick
true dat
Anyone know how long a night is?
(need to knowa)
About 8 min, not sure tho.
ill time it
Just time one of the hours, and you'll get an approximation for the entire night.
it's 8:54:47 or around 8:40-8:59 for a full night, according to my time (night 4).
15 minutes! timeflies?
I now realize I fell asleep and timed two consecutive nights
i keep getting killed by golden freddy and its kinda annoyin
you gotta keep pulling your monitor up till she leaves
but where is she? it's everytime the call ends or gets mute
when she appears in your office just pull up your monitor and keep checking every few second till she leaves
You don't just have to pull up your monitor, you must go to cam 3 and click on the poster on the wall. Then she should go away.
But I think you mean her other jumpscare, that you can also get if you click on the poster in your office 7 times. I think that's why you keep dying.
Otherwise, she should just pop up on your office desk, right in front of you.
which poster
first to reply to this message and i will grind to 85% again (my game crash and deleted my progress)
You can do it! I got it to 95%, did you check the credits?
thank you and also no i didn't
How'd it go? I still can't make it past 95%
I'm weirdly not afraid of losing progress if the devs update the game, I'd gladly grind my way back
Also got to 95%
I have all the plushies and animations... I think? I did all codes as far as I know :(
Ah, I didn't beat 4/20 yet
Does the women restroom make any noise? I've been playing for quite a few hours and haven't heard anything from that one.
Love the game! Gotta get all the plushies ;)
I think that's just there as a room, I don't think it has any relation to the actual gameplay.
A shame really. I'd love it if it were like the kitchen in the og but maybe for other animatronic than chica. Maybe adding it as an actual room messes with their path
Headphones can really help for 4/20. All you have to do is watch foxy on Bootycove, and listen for the other girl's footsteps. The more you keep cams on foxy, the longer it stalls her from running to your door.
This doesn't have stereo sound tho, or does it? It'd be amazing to tell which door they're coming just by hearing alone.
Also, does Freddy make any noise when she moves from the bottom right camera into the office? I tried testing it but I couldn't hear any footsteps or giggles (other than her leaving)
I like how the phone guy's talking is really balanced, like he fucks around and talks about weird stuff, but also gives information for the player.
is this game forklift certified?
When is the Ohio version gonna come out
Is 4/20 even possible lmao been trying for hours and keep dying because foxy steals 15% of my final power at 5am LOLL
learn that foxy only steals 8% each run
well no, foxy is always hits 3 times per visit and after each visit the next time they come, takes 1% more each hit, so first hit is 3 (1 per) second is 6 (2 per) and so on until 5
Totally possible, beat it myself.
Just keep cams on her as much as possible, so she doesn't run to your door in the first place.
It's supposed to be possible if you manage to stall Foxy enough to run at you once in the whole night. I think that's the only thing that makes it as hard as it is.
I learned that, to get the plushies, you don't need to beat 4/20; you just need to beat the animatronics at their lvl 20. Which means you can take them one on one and still get the plushies. That said, beating 4/20 gives you the last 5% completion.
What the fuck happened to Glazed's fan??
it died ;;
why did i read this with kratos voice
creator of this game, what is your wisdom?
It’s easier to say a compliment than an insult, the better you treat people the happier the world. uwu
what are all of the sex scene shortcuts?
You have to get them in the game, in order for them to become shortcuts for you. (Once you get one, you can always get it again by going to its shortcut, without having to play the game for it again)
oh my god the italic letters spell rickroll in the warning lol
lmao ya
never gonna give you up
never gonna let you down
never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
how many people just opens the door to check and see if Bonnie is still there instead of focusing on the alien art that's i the window (10/10 alien art btw)
me lmao
never gonna give you up
never gonna let you down
never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
never gonna make you cry
Will there be keyboard controls in the future? Clicking can be annoying sometimes, and slow too.
Could you guys make a version available for my Samsung smart fridge?
Can you make a version available for toasters?
When is the android version?
at this point i'm not even here to bust, i'm now just here to competitively complete everything
I came here to complete the entire game, but ended up busting on chica lmao
skill issue, but hey, keep thriving and sometimes throbbing
Im so focused on the game i never even get hard lmao
I wish the devs made a five nights at freddy's security breach porn parody. That would be a very cool project.
shits bussin
im just here to get your hopes up
is there going to be a mac version?
in the next update there might be cuz they may also be adding a phone version
k lets just hope it is
hi I was wondering if we could get a android version I really wanna play this but I don't have a PC pls ;-;
Game would probably be better to play on mobile rather than PC honestly. Pretty cool though. Thumbs up.
Is a Mac download version in development?
bonnie stays at the door for WAY to long in night 4, between her and freddie its nearly impossible to not lose all electricity before you reach 6am without just getting lucky
It’s based on luck and her AI level for how long she stays.
Your best bet, is to last your power until a little after 5am. By doing so, even if you run out of power, and freddy is going to jumpscare you, you have a chance to clutch and get to 6 am before she can jumpscare you. So utilize your power to try and save it until atleast 5 am, and maybe it might help.
I'm dying on night 3
I have freddy, bonnie, chica, foxy, and glazed, what other cut scenes are ther?
There's also Golden Freddy's sex scenes.
Don't be fooled by the poster on the wall, it does give you a jumpscare upon clicking it 7 times, but no sex scene.
Fun fact: Twistedcumet's (coder of the game) original name, was twisted comet, but they liked 'cumet' because of the cum joke.
Twistcumet is the NSFW acc of Twistcomet uwu
but yes cum joke lmao
How do i get the sex scenes with the characters that randomly pop up on camera?
If you mean the easter eggs (the random people who aren't part of the actual game), then you cannot get their sex scenes, they're just images.
Can we get a progress update sometime in April? No rush, I’m just curious how things are going
I’m pushing Glazed to continue with his Art for the game, as I would like to get it released by the end of this month or start of next.
Will you make the web version save?
How do i unlock red options in "loosing" scenes?
beat night 5
The more nights you get, the more scenes you can unlock. Notice that if you die at night 1 or 2, you don't get all the sex scenes, as there are still some that you have to unlock. You can only do this by progressing more into the game and beating more nights.
how does all the enemies moves? well im new and dont know how the girld move is it the same as the original or not?
If you've played the original five nights at freddy's before, then its basically the same. There's animatronics that will move around and attempt to reach your office door, an come inside to jumpscare you. To stop that, you have to use cams to find their location, and close your doors at the appropriate time.
Of course, there's more than that to the game, but you will learn as you progress in the game.