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My game crashes when i see the golden freddy's (the one that does wierd things on screen) animation.

I cant click go back when it ends and while clicking go back during the animation the game closes.


clicking back 5 times is intentional crash. If you dislike that, you can disable that with “prevent golden freddy crashes” in settings 

(1 edit)

Hey when is the game going to be updated? because I will love to see part 2 and when they do FNAFB 2 well if they do it because it said they might do FNAFB 2


Currently I'm working on an asset optimisation patch for part 1 before I build Part 2 onto it.
this patch will most likely release on Friday, alongside an Android version.

Then I'll be working on implenting part 2, ideally for a release of the 8th of august.

(2 edits)

oh okay but I do hope you get sleep because every one needs sleep but i'ma go see what other games I can find have a good day but I will be playing the game still :) 

(1 edit) (+7)

how to live:

1. only check on booty cove with cams, and be quick to check to save power (foxy gets stalled by cams in general, not her cam specifically)

2.if you check on foxy and she is on all fours, instead switch to the hallway cam.  this is because if you catch her running and THEN close the door, she will take WAY less power instead of if you hadnt caught her

3. you dont need to check for chica and bonnie bc you can hear them at doors

4. HERE IS HOW FREDDY WORKS!: she will first laugh 5 times.  at the fifth laugh she will be at cam 6 which is the only place she will attack you from, close the door until she laughs agains.  She will then camp FOR THE REST OF THE GAME between 3 and 6.  This means for that every other laugh after this, close your door until she laughs again.



This is so cool!

I wish I had

a) A way to pay for things online

b)Disposable income

My living situation sucks :(

But thanks for the game, it's pretty epic!

how do i tell if freddy is about to get me im stuck on night 3

when freddy gets to cam 6, she is about to attack you, you can close the right door to stop her, but i suggest leaving your camera on cam 6 and not switching off of it when she gets there, she will be rendered incapable of killing you if you leave your cam on cam 6, if you watch to check a different cam, you can close the right door then switch cams, but go back to cam 6 before opening the right door, unless she is gone, freddy will get to your door after 5 laugh sound effects, and then she will be at your door on every alternating laugh from there on out (5, 7, 9, etc.)

HOW THE FUCK DO I STOP FREDDY AND FOXY I have never played fnaf before this so I have no fucking idea what I am supposed to do against them and I am stuck on night 4

In normal FNAF, Foxy requires the cameras be active (not neccessarily at Pirate's Cove) frequently enough to "stall" them. While Freddy can be "cam-stalled" by keeping the camera on the lower-right camera spot, even if you're not looking at it...

In this game, Freddy's "Cam Stall" doesn't work, so you'll have to just keep the right door closed until she leaves. I'm *moderately* confident that Foxy acts the same, but if you're wanting to be certain, just poke Booty Cove every so often!

no, Freddy's cam stall DOES work :/

Given that I've tried it and lost to her several times due to it not working, I'm going to guess we're cam-stalling different cams

Camera stalling works. If you're not cam stalling camera 6, the last camera in her route, then it won't work.

Something I just noticed while testing this is freddy doesn't move at all while camera is up.

Anyways freddy works (basically) the same in this game as in fnaf 1 

I'd sworn stalling her on cam 6 didn't work, but I just tried it and it worked, so I'm going to assume it was just the random sort of bug that I keep running into for some reason!

But yes, camstalling will keep her from being "pushed", but when combined with the fact that chica and bonnie make sound when they approach, and that foxy just needs the camera to be up, it's not a problem to camstall the entire night

so I just need to stare at foxy's ass and keep the door closed when freddy's on cam 6? seems simple enough 

You just need to have the cameras open at all and she'll go on cooldown (if this works just like fnaf 1, which seems to be the case)

And for freddy, if your camera is pointed at that last location on the right, freddy can't move, even if your cameras are down (that's called the "Camera Stall", or just "Camstall". It's an oversight of Scott when he made FNAF 1, but has been canonized and used everywhere)

To respond to your other response, if we assume everyone works exactly the same, bonnie will just randomly pick spots in her path, so you're mainly just looking to catch her on the lights (there's a sound cue when bonnie or chica reach the doors). Bonnie's a lot trickier since you can't see her on lights if the door is closed, so you'll mainly want to just check the cams to see if you spot her, unless you want to risk the timing on flicking the door open to flash her

You can see bonnies shadow on the wall outside of the office (while light is on)

I'd never noticed that! Nice catch, that helps a lot with power usage, thanks!

so wait what about bonnie because, again, I have never played fnaf so I have no fucking idea how this works

Ridiculously difficult, fun fr tho. Pretty on par with Kemo!pop but this one has more nsfw art rather than cutesy. 8/10!

It's interesting, keep it up(玩着还行?)

(1 edit) (-3)

this game has a virus (this has probably been comments like this or not)

It does not, what virus are you alleging? 

oh thanks then

why cant i see freddy, chica, golden freddy's jumpscares and i cant select the second sex pose, how to fix it?


This is an issue with certain devices not being able to load the large assets (Whether it be due to lack of VRAM or OPENGL on AMD)

I'm currently working on a patch to fix that issue.

In terms of the second sex pose, you can select it if you beat night 5

idk if i got lucky but i got through night 6 and 7 (4/20) first try. the strat seems simple enough though. fun game <3

any chance there will be a gallery to just see the sex scenes?

so. That exists in Extras. Play through the nights and after each "jumpscare" you unlock there scene. Idk how to unlock both scenes i just played the game without really losing till night 6. And idk how you can get golden freddys scene, because when she appears in your office and jumpscares you the scene wont save into extras for some reason

ah ok maybe I'll have to try again, I got stopped at night 3 lol, this game has some potential if it keeps going, it's pretty good

Type 6969 on the night 7 code bar

is anyone else unable to see the freddy first scene?


hey i got a question is golden freddy sex scene luck based

If you play night 7 with difficulty 1/9/8/7, listen to phone guy :3

(2 edits)

So, i just entered the discord pudding server, said "hi guys how y'all doing" then i say if someone is making a project so i can join to make some music for them for fun and i get kicked out? I said it wasn't for promoting, i'm 18 yrs old and i have read the rules, why did i get banned?

The mods banned you in suspicion of being a minor (pfp), and it was promotion.

(1 edit)

First off, i'm not a minor. That is just a funny old picture of one of my friends. And second, sorry if it sounded like promotion, i really love making music and i like helping projects for free for fun, i didn't meant to. BUT, at least the team could've say something. I entered with the best intentions and got banned for basically a suspicious profile picture and a message of "promotion".


6th and 7th night are basically impossible!!! the power drain is insane!!


Just be better...

you gotta have the right strat and it is laughably easy

how can i get the custom death ?

(1 edit) (+4)

I just 100%ed the game and there any complete sources on how todo it so I felt like writing this, sorry for any spelling errors I'm tired asf. 

To complete Night 1 you just listen for Bonnie's or sometimes Chica's footsteps/click lights (for the no headphone people)  then close that door. Foxie can attack on Night 1 but she can only  attack at 4-5am and if you use cams, not at all. 

Night 2 is where Foxy is really In play attacking at 1 am if you don't look at cams. The best technique used to deal with Foxie is to spam cams on and off cams. the longer the cams are ON the longer you can delay Foxy from progressing in stages. If Foxy has left booty-Cove you go on Cam 2A to speed it up witch isn't good for power but makes the nights easier to deal with. You DON'T need to on booty-Cove cam. bonny and Chica will actually come at your door consistently. But as long as you check for Bonnie and Chica as stated it will be EZ . 

Night 3 is a decently harder as Freddy becomes active. use the same strat form Night 2 with a few changes. The way to deal with Freddy is to be on the cams, you DON'T need to follow Freddy. first is set a 15-18 seconds timer (idk remember the exact numbers) as soon as the night starts and when it ends you should try to stay on the cams a little longer to delay Freddy. As Freddy will run a timer and when its up it will check if your on cams and it not she'll laugh and move. She will start on Cam 1A --> 7 -->  1B --> 5 --> 3 --> 6 (sometimes back up to 3). She can only kill you on cam 6. The way to stop here is the either close the door or look at Cam 6 frequently.

Night 4 is where I've seen people get stuck.  Night 4 is tricky but if you use the given strat you'll be okay. one thing to keep in mine is if you want to check on Foxy but Freddy is already in Cam 6 just close the right door (best when Chica is there) and look at Booty-Cove then switch back to 6 and open the door. the later that stages Foxy is in the more frequently you got yo check Foxy.

Night 5 is very hard. You need to be spam flipping the cams non-stop and because your doing that you will need to check the door lights as it's very easy to miss the footsteps in this night. one thing I like todo that you feel out for yourself is when I hear footsteps and close the door with either Bonny/Chica I quickly check the other door to make sure that the other one didn't come at the exact same. Beating this night will unlock the 2nd sex scene for the main 4 animatronics.

Night 6 is where you got to put all of this together and also need good RNG (luck) as if Foxy runs 3 times that very unlucky.

Night 7 (4/20 and other) 4/20 is stupid hard. You'll need to get good at the stuff I have mentioned and get good RNG.      Night 7 Codes Fr/B/C/Fo  1/9/8/7  this will unlock a new call where you will learn the Code 6/9/6/9 this code will give you a way to get Golden Freddy sex scene other then by chance and will increase completion % . If you complete the 1/9/8/7 Night it will also add increase completion % 

Some Other stuff, if you  click on the breasts of Freddy on the poster in your office too much  Golden Freddy will crash your game. if you click on the light blue donut in your office a sex scene will start. I also heard of a easter egg puppet sex scene, But I can't confirm it if any one fines it pls tell me.

Why don't I get death animations when I download it?

Do none work? Or is it specifically freddy and golden freddy?

anyone been able to beat night 6 close i got so fair is a 4:17 die due to blackout

Keep the camera on Foxy's cove (cam 1C) the entire night (until Freddy laughs 5 times) and spam cams, like a lot. (I think Foxy has a movement opportunity every 7-9 seconds?) while spamming the cams listen for footsteps at the doors, close the door the footsteps came from (the audio is panned left or right depending on where it came from). after about 5 camera flips (3 cam flips on 4/20) you can check with lights and open door if they are not there. (or just open the door without checking to save power)

When foxy disappears from the cove, (which she WILL on 4/20) check the left hall, if you let her reach your door before you close it she will take 3x the power she usually would. 

After you hear 5 Freddy laughs switch the camera to right door kitchen (cam 6) where Freddy should be. This helps because you don't actually have to be on Foxy's cam (cam 1C) to stall her and only have to be on cams in general. 

If you're on Freddy's cam, (cam 6) she can't kill you, like at all. (Freddy also won't leave your door until you switch cams with the right door closed) and if you want to check Foxy to see if she will be running to your office soon, close right door, quickly switch to Foxy's cam, quickly switch back to Freddy, and then open right door and keep spamming cams. This way you don't waste power with right door closed for like half the night.

This is how I beat 4/20 mode first try

How do you beat night 6? should i just play it like normal fnaf 1?

Keep the camera on Foxy's cove (cam 1C) the entire night (until Freddy laughs 5 times) and spam cams, like a lot. (I think Foxy has a movement opportunity every 7-9 seconds?) while spamming the cams listen for footsteps at the doors, close the door the footsteps came from (the audio is panned left or right depending on where it came from). after about 5 camera flips (3 cam flips on 4/20) you can check with lights and open door if they are not there. (or just open the door without checking to save power)

When foxy disappears from the cove, (which she WILL on 4/20) check the left hall, if you let her reach your door before you close it she will take 3x the power she usually would. 

After you hear 5 Freddy laughs switch the camera to right door kitchen (cam 6) where Freddy should be. This helps because you don't actually have to be on Foxy's cam (cam 1C) to stall her and only have to be on cams in general. 

If you're on Freddy's cam, (cam 6) she can't kill you, like at all. (Freddy also won't leave your door until you switch cams with the right door closed) and if you want to check Foxy to see if she will be running to your office soon, close right door, quickly switch to Foxy's cam, quickly switch back to Freddy, and then open right door and keep spamming cams. This way you don't waste power with right door closed for like half the night.

This is how I beat 4/20 mode first try

pretty sure u can just the normal 4/20 strat also here

I’m trying to play it on my iPad 

but it’s not working what should I do

probably the processor in your iPad is not able to process information from this game or it is simply old

Is there an option to not make Foxy a futa?



Hello, I have a small issue, in night 6 my game crashes after every jumpscare, I have AMD GPU so could it be related to the issue with AMD GPUs? I also tried the reduce async option as well, however, it didn't help.

I'm currently working on a update patch that'll change the renderer to vulkan too, which should fix the issue.

for me its been crashing every jumpscare and every night completion

Have you tried turning on Reduce Async Loading?

That may help with not crashing after night completion.

im not seeing it in settings

I also have an AMD card and experiencing crashes after every night/jumpscare, it doesn't change anything wether I have that setting on or off

I see, thanks for the reply!

(1 edit)

I booted it up today after weeks of it not working, and it worked. Not sure what fixed it, but hey, whatever. It's fixed. 

Yea still not starting for me lol :/


i need a android version


Run smoothly on my phone. 10/10 game!

How to unlock the 2nd animation of the animatronics

Beat Night 5

I wonder is there some kind of cheat codes?

1987 and 6969 in custom night

no i mean like skip nights or smth


Freddy is so bs 


shits harder than the normal game bc of the shitty ai 


about to lose it on 4/20 mode legit only dying to the stupid furry ass Freddy going through my fucking doors 

alright cracked the code kind of when you hear Freddy laugh wait for 12~15 seconds aka 3 battery ticks with nothing on and sometimes the rule does not apply at 4 am so gota be quick and patient this is for 4/20 mode

and if you get the bug that takes 30% of battery randomly just restart

Just keep the cam on Freddy when she is at your door so she can't kill you.

(1 edit) (+1)

part 2 plis???

Y love your game


why does my game crash after getting a jumpscare or completing a night?

why tf is night 6 so hard foxy ran at me within 30 SECONDS

is this game completed?

how do you turn off the fan? almost made me lose a game

i don't think you can

damn. thanks tho

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

on my first night a futa appeared who must be a parody of shadowfreddy or something, is there any way i can have a scene with her?(and yes i'ma faggot who fucking love futas )


you ain't the only one who loves futas bro





(2 edits)

all respect for myself had disappeared when i made this acc so why not make it worse by downloading this?

(nothing against this game as i am actually downloading it rn it looks great)

Hey so i'm wondering what will the part 2 be like will it be like uhm like the extra night's or like what i'm just wondering :)


it'll probaply be a fnaf 2 parody

Oh okay thanks :)


how does Freddy work? i cant figure out why i keep dying 



Will there be  a sequel? and If so, any threesomes? Can't wait <3

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