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When i play all i see is a blue screen, and Cant see anything but that blue screen


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I actually enjoys this games but what I enjoyed the most is that it has the same thing as the actual fnaf where if you lose power you can still beat the nigh 


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No its not


Yes it is


No its not

(1 edit) (+1)

Wonder if they'll make it available to mobile. It'd be nice for on the go 

Didn't realize they already had mobile planned lol


aint no way i died to the donut on night one


mans got glazed


either you're just bad or a fuckin genius for finding secrets


freddy fazbear hur hur hur hur hur hur

anyone got any tips on how to deal with Freddy on night 4


When you hear her laugh check the room to the right of the office. If she is not in that room you're safe but if she is there you'll have to close the door until you hear her laugh again.


the kitchen or the closet?


The kitchen. I've tried night 6 a bunch of times and I'm pretty sure her pattern is the same, which she laughs 3 times total and the third one always signals her to be in the kitchen until 6 am. So far it's been consistent.

Deleted 1 year ago

Freddy moves every 77 seconds in every night (1 minute 17 seconds) with each movement being marked by a laugh. She starts off on the Stage on Cam 1A, and travels to the Men Restroom on Cam 7 then heading to the Dining Room on Cam 1B. She then heads to the Backstage on Cam 5 before moving directly to the Closet on Cam 3. She will then go into the kitchen on Cam 6 where she will jumpscare you from the Right Door if the monitor is not on her

how does foxy work

About the same way as the actual fnaf Foxy, tbh

Third night, watch pirate cove about every 2-3 minutes, and get ready when she's fully out (i haven't figured out her audio cues, if there's any)


you don't actually have to watch pirates cove, just look at the cams in general


also her only audio cue is right before she busts in your door
it's her running down the hall

does anyone know when they are going to fix the blue everywhere?


yeah, probably when the next update comes out, best you get comfy cause you'll be waiting for a while

true dat


ok, SO.... i havent 100%'ed the game as of this comment(night 6 is a bitch), BUT, id like to suggest some features that can possibly come to the game, like an expanded sex update, cause at this current moment, theres only one cum scene per character, so:

#1: id suggest making cum scenes for the alternate pose you do with the girls, say foxy for example, in the first pose you fuck her, in the second pose, she fucks you, but the cum scene goes back to the first pose and adds a cumshot. i think id be quite hot to implement a cum scene for every pose, just so you can choose where to cum on said girls, like in freddy's asshole, or even on bonnies paws, this would enhance the experience for said enjoyers of those kinks imho.

#2: now this is an optional one, but, a futa mode, every girl has a dick, and is wanting to fuck you, for me, an avid futa enjoyer, id get quite excited seeing a bonnie with a horse wang at my door, and i think other people would get happy at that aswell, (yes i know the new girl ,mangle i think is a futa) but, im just throwing ideas out there, id probably be alot of time and effort to do, but if you could in the future, that would be ridiculously awesome.

#3: this is a small one, but, maybe add a donut on one of the characters as an option (or even as a feature! like an unlockable maybe involving the glazed scene lol), and maybe give foxy an accurate canine cock, maybe the more she comes out of her cove, the more it slides out of her sheath! (just a suggestion, i like foxy as is, but canine would be very very hot~.

#4: an options menu, sometimes the sounds are a liiiittle too loud, especially the fan when its buzzing.


these are just idea that hopefully can make the game better! you dont have to take em seriously, but if you do, id be more than happy to share extra details if you wish!


as for the game, im loving it alot so far! i love the little references the appear like the different characters in lewd situations, or even the glorious KING.. OF FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY'S! easter egg, the glazed scene i actually found on accident! and i laughed quite a bit! you guys are doing an amazing job, and i love the artist for what they have contributed! (i followed everyone who worked on this) i hope to see more in the future!!! good luck!


I agree with everything

We need this stuff!

wholeheartedly agree

i will  cum allover u lil bro😅😅😀😀

I was not expecting to get jumpscared by foxy just making a beeline for the door while I was looking at her through my camera XD


Why is everything purple in game on web.?

On this site?

Well idk, this web is designed like this so...

how can play the definitive versión?

Its not out yet

oh, thanks

pagando en patreon, creo que con 20$ Al mes




The donut from the table.

Your task is to protect it from the animatronics or they'll sit on your donut.

Get throught the 6AM and you can eat your donut peacefully.

This is a certified donut moment

Also if you touch donut 5 times it will reset your night.

Use it every time in case you know you screwed it up.


How does golden Freddy Work?

just click on poster  game crash after you do it :(


Hold up, let me try.

Golden Freddy rarely appears in every night.

You can notice her by checking the Closet camera, but not every single time.

Rarely it appears a poster with her on the wall.

When you put away your camera you'll see her.

Stare at the camera if she approaches you.

(Or let her get you if you want to unlock the extras with her but beware, it can block your game and need to refresh it)


hey you know make tits why not try making a fnaf belly and titty inflation game?


take your foul degeneracy elsewhere

Deleted 188 days ago

it is time for a crusade my brother!

Sir, I present you: the trash can.

The trash can is used to throw in every junk comments like yours in it :D.

Hope It helped you, cya!

I'm trying to give creator a idea of a mini game 😞😞😞

But however that is a terrible idea and we are being honest with you 

Sir, I appreciate your help but it would make worse.

ok I am sorry 😥

I stopped


it might be a silly question, but can i run this on xbox?

i dont think it has controller support.
the new definitive edition will though.

I tried but Edge browser couldn't run game

I would call the same idea as yours.

But unfortunately this game supports PC platform.

Probably in the next updates we might hope the best.


Is it even possible to pass night 3?  Cause I have tried everything even closing all doors after a minute that the clock hits 5am and Freddy still manages to get inside for some damn reason

It is.

bro tienes que esperar un tiempo mientras esta en la camara derecha de la cocina entre 15-20 y luego manten cerrada la puerta hasta que se escuche otra vez su risa y despues solo comprueba que se fue de la camara o bien pasa la noche a tiempo.

15-20 segundos xd para aclarar 

its a porn game man it really isnt that difficult

Totally agree with you unfortunately.

I'm sorry,but it's skill issue 😐


just check on foxy every 20-30 sec and listen for other girls you should heard when each of them is near door as for freddy when you heard laughter lock door and wate few sec this should be enought to finish night 3 :)

Sounds helpful :)

Hear her laughter and close the damn door waiting the whole time waiting for her and then when you check the cameras you see her in the other room.

Stare at her in the camera.

Turn on the lights in chase she gets closer to warder her off.

Or close the doors before she comes in.

If none of these works, stare at the right door where she is and probably she won't come in.

Freddy got me one time by not paying attention.

If you follow these steps, you'll make it to the night 7 like me.

I'm on night six


Do you know when Definitive Edition releases?

They don´t have a release date estimate yet, but you can see how the project is going in the discord or read the FAQ for more detail

Will this be mobile anytime soon? (Unless it is already)


When Definitive Edition releases, it will have mobile support.

Somethings very wrong with mine... my vision is wonky, the only thing I can do is check the cams but can't move between them

Also I'm pretty sure some textures are gone all I see is yellow on the cams and the sad light blue void of the office

Okay yeah I'm missing stuff Bonnie is a purple rectangle

Hi, could you screenshot? And tell me the device you're using, and which version you're playing? (Web / Windows)

I'm using the browser itself on my phone

How do you get it to work on phone?

Yeah the game is not supported on mobile. Please wait for Definitive Edition.




How’s progress going? No rush, just curious where you’re at


It's been quite slow unfortunately, I've been priotising my university project as it is due soon. It should soon pick up once I finish within the next few weeks.

is there only 2 nights currently with the 3rd night locked? Do I need to download the game to play all 5 nights?

all nights are playable


Please release on android 🙏

Is there a "2" on Bonnie's uh.."game over" scene? or is it just there?


beating night 5 unlocks an alternate "game over" scene option for all animatronics

I'm not sure if this is a problem for anyone else, but I can't actually get into the first night. It will just be a constant static screen with Night 1, Go Back, and Reset Progress buttons. Any ideas to fix this?

Nvm, discovered I had to actually click the Night 1 button. Lol.


how the fuck can you beat 4/20?

Very hard!

Pay more attention at the camera and at the doors.

Don't stare at the camera that much.(check on foxy and Freddy)

Listen to foot steps and close the door once you hear it.

Keep an eye on Freddy or else she'll move more faster toward you.

think were gonna get an ETA anytime soon?

have time go a bit faster, it's just boring to wait, i can't even just have myself killed, it just takes too much time.

Ikr? If you reached night 7 you can customize your own night.

Now I don't understand, I disabled Freddy and foxy for being such of annoying sluts but only Freddy seemed to play still in the game.

kinda slow here really, you get almost nothing, i litterally let the game run, and just checked things from time to time, watched a whole ass video brother.

Is there gonna be a mobile version of the game

what's the name of the music used in the extras menu.



Im currently struggling on 4/20 as i always get to 5am then im dead because of foxy banging my door causing me to lose 12% power. It's pretty much the same as Fnaf 1 but with boobs but the major difference is there are sound cues for the animatronics in this one and not in FNAF but also Foxy in FNAF does not make power drop per hitting the door. The Foxy in fuzboobs does too and that's really the only thing that sucks in 4/20. I get like 35-40% power if im lucky around 4am but because foxy, i go all the way down to 20% and still lose. Im still determined to beat it

Keep trying.

It's hard to counter Foxy I know.

I'm raging rn because of Foxy, close to 6 AM and got my pelvis crushed by Freddy.

(3 edits) (+11)

Played this game for about 2 hours yesterday (great use of my time I know) and I figured out an extensive guide for Night 6 (and probably other nights as well).

Some general notes:

Night 6, wear headphones, you can hear what direction Bonnie and Chica come from when they approach the door. 

You WILL also want to start a stopwatch right when the night begins. 

Each night lasts about 8 minutes and 35 seconds (timed it myself) and each hour is about 1 minute and 26 seconds (also timed that myself).

If you refuse to check the cameras to save on power, you are most likely going to lose, Foxy is way too aggressive on Night 6 and will steal more and more power every time she hits your door. leaving you with 15% at 4 AM and no chance of winning.

You actually have 1000 power, and your current Usage amount is subtracted from that amount every second (in the original FNAF 1 at least), so having 2 bars of Usage will literally double how quickly you run out of power compared to only having 1.

Tips for Foxy:

Here's my strategy for Foxy: Count to 6 seconds in the office, then open cams and check Booty Cove for 3 seconds. Repeat this for the ENTIRE NIGHT. (I actually got this idea from a MUCH older comment in this thread, but it worked for me so ill post it again)

Foxy can be stalled for a long time using this strategy, but it also relies on some luck so if Foxy attacks before 2 AM, you should probably just restart (click the donut 5 times for an instant game over)

When Foxy eventually leaves Booty Cove, close your camera and hover your mouse over the Left Door until either: 

A: you hear 3 quick footsteps, where you should close the door, wait until you hear all 3 bangs, wait an extra second, then open the door, or 

B: you hear either Bonnie or Chica approaching the door, in which case you should close the Left Door immediately, then (if Chica is there) close the Right Door, then go back to the Left Door. If Bonnie is NOT there, open it, and go back to waiting for Foxy's running sound to play.

Foxy Note: Foxy will deal a scaling amount of damage to your power, dealing 3% total the first time she hits your door, 6% the second time, 9% the third time, etc. For this reason, you want to minimize the amount of times Foxy leaves her cove.

You should be using about 15% of your power every hour, leaving you with 2 Foxy bonks worth 9%, 6 Hours of 15% power usage worth 90%, 1% used on keeping off the animatronics, and anywhere from around 10 seconds to 30 seconds before Freddy kills you after the power runs out.

(It's best for Foxy to attack 3 times per night, once during 2 AM, again sometime between 3 and 5 AM (preferably closer to 5 AM), and lastly late into 5 AM when you have a low amount of power. If Foxy hits your door and steals 9% of your power when you only have 2% left, it leaves a significantly smaller impact than when she does the same at 12% left, so try to time Foxy's third attack when you are REALLY low on power.)

Tips for Bonnie and Chica:

The two doorway animatronics can attack and leave VERY quickly, so check the lights of whatever door you closed every 2 seconds (while doing your 6 second count for Foxy).

If you hear an animatronic coming while you have the cameras up, quickly close the door (do NOT check the light because if they decide to be extremely aggressive they can just jam the door and kill you, just listen to where the sound came from and close the respective door) and reset your 6-Count again.

If Bonnie is at the door, the white graffiti in the bottom right corner of the window will disappear (and you can actually see Bonnie's shadow but the graffiti is MUCH easier to see quickly). Wait for the graffiti to appear in the window again to know if she's gone. Bonnie LOVES to wait at your door for long periods of time and waste your power, so you'll need some luck if you want to survive as well (hence why it took me 2 hours)

If Chica is at the door, Chica will be visibly standing in the window (obviously), but she tends to leave much faster than Bonnie so check the right light more often when she is at the door, she'll probably have left within a few seconds.

And finally, Tips for Freddy:

Freddy is essentially a non-threat in this night if you've played it enough times. She always moves at the exact same time on every single attempt of Night 6, and she always follows the same path:

Stage, Men's Bathroom, Dining Room, Backstage, Closet, Kitchen (eating some Special Sauce), Attempting to attack your Office and (if the right door is closed), back to the Kitchen, where she will not move again before 6 AM hits.

Remember when I said to start a Stopwatch at the start of the night? Freddy will ALWAYS attack when your stopwatch hits 7:35-7:45, during around the middle of 5 AM, so close your right door when your stopwatch reaches this area (or until you hear Freddy laugh). 

Once you hear Freddy laugh, that means she has failed her attack attempt and went back to the Closet, and you can safely open your door (unless Chica is there, in that case leave it closed), Freddy will not attack you again for the rest of the night.

If you've forgotten to start your stopwatch at the very start of the night, you can still save yourself from Freddy. When it reaches 4 AM, start a stopwatch right after you hear her laugh. Once your stopwatch reaches about 1:10, close the right door and open it once you hear Freddy laugh, again Freddy won't attack for the rest of the night after this.

Tip for Golden Freddy(?)

If you are unfortunate enough to have Golden Freddy show up during Night 6 and you DON'T want to see her jumpscare, open up the camera, switch to Cam 3 and click on the Golden Freddy poster and she'll leave. (You can always just set 6969 on Custom Night to see her jumpscare anyways, but you have to beat Night 6 first to do that)

Extra for Foxy:

After Foxy attacks a third time or it reaches 5 AM, I stopped checking on Foxy and just hovered my mouse over the Left Door for the rest of the night, waiting to close the door if she showed up and just hoping that she didn't.

I ended up getting to 6 AM right after Freddy's song ended (after my power ran out) with just a couple of seconds to spare using this strategy.

Hope this essay helps someone out.

Ay thank's for help, it worked!

Somehow I found these tips about myself.

When I was alone I decided to play this game and after few minutes of struggling, I managed to get through night 7.

The game was easy only if you could understand the mechanism of it.

I can't end the night 7 because stupid am I don't even know what difficulty should I select.

btw in FNAF 1 if you don't check the cameras at all the main three won't move and if you are playing 1fps because  ONLY FOXY depends on having a high frame rate so at 1fps foxy would be to slow and you would beat the HARDEST NIGHT Custom Night 7 for FNAF1 but wouldn't that mean that strategy works on all nights?

berry gud 10/10 - ign


how do you stop Freddy from getting you on night 3?

(1 edit)

Close the door at 5am until you hear a giggle then she is gone

is there a way to pick up the phone guy's calls?

They're automatically picked up after 3 rings of the phone.

In night 1-5 and night 7 you'll get your phone calls.

Night 1-3 where the other security guard drills you to the game.

Night 4 where night guard is getting fumped by Freddy.

Night 5 where night guard gets his uhh... (Gonna skip this part)

Night 7 an unknown dude asks you about your days of work then leaves

(2 edits) (+3)

Ideal strategy, (I believe) get headphones, make sure both sides work, and DO NOT HAVE MONO-AUDIO ENABLED, Chica and Bonnie make a noise when they reach their respective door, and the noise comes from their side. Use the cams to check Foxy only, and only have it on for a second or 2 at most, make sure to check about every 5-10 seconds. If you see Foxy has left Pirate's Cove to run to your office, close the cams, close the right door and hover over the left door close until you hear running, then close, and close the door when Freddy laughs about 5 times, and re-open when they leave, the rest of this game sadly is pure luck.

If they copied the mechanic from fnaf1, you only need to have the cameras on at all to stall foxy, and you can stall freddy by leaving the camera on the bottom right camera!


I wanted to comment this and point out something i just tried and had work

on any night or difficulty when Freddy is in the Kitchen; if you turn on the light for the right hall Freddy will never enter the office.

I will try it again and see if it works but it seems like it makes sense i guess?

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