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For those trying to play on mobile or asking for android, please read: 

2 Million Viewers + Status Update & Ports Announcement

It isn’t on android yet. It won’t work on android if you try the web version. Give me time and you will have your android version.



everything is blue and there are no textures. for reference I'm playing on the web version on chromee

What device are you on?



Im having the same exact problem dude

The game is broken can you fix it


Hi there, could you elaborate? What device are you trying to run it on?

(1 edit)


personal advice have all your accounts remembered so you don't have to keep typing them in

is it worth getting killed?

Try out and see x)


(1 edit) (+1)

For anyone having trouble and wanting to beat 4/20 mode before they change the Ai of Freddy (spoilers obviously):

The night is about 8 min and 40 sec, Freddy moves every 77 sec and will end the run with the 6th movement. Therefore you need to stall her for atleast 59 sec during the course of the night. I basicly pulled the cam up every 75 seconds after she moved until I heard someone at the door. (And the cam does not have to be on her)

For Foxy I just shortly flipped the camera up and down basicly every second. With this strategy power went off at 8min 30sec and the rest I just waited in the dark. (And yes for the exact timings I had a timer running on my phone ^^)

Foxy was active during night one once, is that supposed to happen?


foxy can appear on night one rarely in the base game so they made foxy appear in night one with the same chance

is it just me or does anyone elses office just blue

yeah, happening to me to, everything is just blue

Heck, what device are you trying to run it on?

Samsung smart fridge


Hi there, what device are you trying to run it on?

On android  the office is just blue :v

hello, paranoia my old friend...


im stuck at night 3 T_T

who keeps killing u?



If this has already been asked dozens of times sorry but will there be a android verson ever?

yes there will please read the dev logs


I know you guys dont quite andswer these comments and when you do you answer them using the development log and i know you're still working hard on this game but will you ever make a five nights at fuzzboobs 2?


Maybe! We’ll have to see what happens in the future.

the music is fire


this is a porn game and yet im having fun and its addictive


that's probably the point

At least 50% of the nights I beat after running out of power. Freddy even Finished her song on the 6th night. Absolutely love it, can't wait for the second one(if there will be one).

wait, so do you have to get it to 5 am or 4 to survive feddy?

when the options for the spicy scenes is red, does that mean its not released yet? or does that mean its not unlocked yet

not unlocked yet

thanks! just gotta play through or some cheat code? (cause if it is a cheat code imma need it lmao)

finish night 5

I have tried 7 times now, the power consumption is too agressive when the only way to deal with freddy is to hard lock the door because she rech in a room she can sit in for an entire in game hour


massive skill issue

try doing something else, use headphones, and when you hear thump thump thump, jump back to that tab and close both doors, then turn on the lights. when you hear a loud sound, they're there. if you don't hear anything, open the door, wait till the other is gone, open that door, and switch off that tab. Worked for me.

bet! thanks

sure man.


Um will there be a second one

hope so mate

Is there plans for an android version down the road?

Deleted 1 year ago

ha in your face there will be one is confirmed now xD 


I just wanna beat this game but my god does foxy PISS me off on 4/20 mode! night 7 I know your supposed to look at her cause she likes attention or whatever Bs!

 I look at her for 3 seconds get off wait a few get back on!

 or sometimes I just keep my screen on her entirely and get off only when I hear a door. 

Or I go to her room look at it get off and continue moving my mouse on and off but it screws the audio cue of chica or bonnie coming to the door! 

no matter what I do i feel Like im unlucky im trying my hardest to not rage while writing this comment hoping for more help even though every tip I've used either doesn't work for me. im doing it wrong or Im just stupid! I dont know I hate foxy! and I wanna break my laptop help would be appreciated though it probably wont do much

 as I've been stuck on this fucking night for a good amount of days unable to beat it!!

im 5 seconds away from breaking my laptop cause of 4/20 mode..

Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.


can you play this game with a xbox controller and if we can't could we possibly get that in the future one day 

Im honestly chicken shit when it comes to actually playing anything fnaf related.  how scary is this?

yeah im in the same boat as you man
from what ive seen, fnaf porn games tend not to be scary
including this one


you're expecting a porn game to be scary? It's kinda hard to make something scary when the antagonist is just free ballin


no, no, he's got a point...

not at all, unless you have the volume up too loud lol


Gallery, please. Preferably with Cam images. :3


I guess they doing something big, am excited


(1 edit)

like since they have million viewers they want to celebrate it with something, and I guess that something is a huge update

Lol, I know.

out of these characters, who would you date?



yes. Bonnie is second

All of them


guys... I don't think Freddy is eating marshmallows..

Nonono, guys i think he got a point...

what do i do when they camp my dore for 20 % if not 30

Good question. I suppose you need to pray to the gods of lust to have mercy on your dick, because the girls won't.

So other than just having fun is there any reason to do anything after you have the 2nd cut scene for everyone? Or in other words is there any extra sexy stuff after you've got the first and (if available) 2nd scene for every girl?

don't think so


this is taking a while...isn't it?

You mean the update?


Deleted 1 year ago

foxy full futanari package or the others could be futas

Deleted 1 year ago

so true

power drains way too quickly but besides that its good


California girls are unforgettable


Daisy Dukes, bikinis on top


Sun kissed skin so hot


We'll melt your popsicle


Ooh oh ooh ooh oh ooh


Imagine if the devs made a five nights at freddy's security breach parody game. 

that'd be fun

(1 edit) (+1)

so how exactly does Foxy work in this game? because in the original, any usage of the camera in any location for any amount of time would disable Foxy's movement for a random amount of time between ~0.83 and ~16 seconds, but in this game I could swear that I was using my camera more than often enough and Foxy would still get out and attack. It especially feels like you have to specifically look at Foxy instead of using any camera, and it also feels like there is a minimum amount of time you must look at that camera to prevent her from advancing. combined with her having 1 fewer attack stages before escaping compared to the original and the possibility of Bonnie disabling the camera, it's very unfun to play against her. I've had runs on night 6 (where I am still stuck despite my best efforts) where she attacks before it is even 1 AM despite constantly monitoring her because Bonnie decides to disable that camera repeatedly. So understanding exactly how this version works would be very helpful.


The more you keep your cams on foxy, the more it stalls her. 

You have to keep your cam in bootycove for a minimum of 3 seconds, and have to make sure that she stays in her 1st phase all the time. Some nights, she attacks much faster than normal, and the only thing you can do, is delay her. Your best bet, is to try and stall her until about 2 am at most. After that, she shouldn't attack again, and even if she tries to, you can stall her again.

But in order for that, you have to keep all your main cam focus on foxy, which makes it hard to focus on the other girls. So for that, you have to rely on audio cues of the other girls, and to close the right door at the right a girl approaches your door. 


I was already only using sound for both Chica and Bonnie, and only using the cams on Freddy when I had lost track of which position she was at, but I didn't know that there was a minimum camera uptime requirement to prevent Foxy from moving. That is very much different from the original game, so I wasn't expecting it. Thank you.

So, I tried spending at least 3 seconds on foxy each camflip and she still attacked me before 1AM. I would spend 3 seconds on her then 3 seconds with the cams down. anything more than that and I would drain power too quickly. So at this point I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.

(1 edit) (+1)

For some nights, I believe she is just programmed to attack you from the very beginning, which I guess is inevitable. She takes 8% of your power each time she comes to your door, so perhaps it's best to just let her run to your door, rather than wasting power on trying to stop her.

Oh and for managing Freddy (don't know if I've said this earlier, or you know it already), she giggles each time she moves. So when you listen to the audio cues, on her fifth giggle, she will be in the kitchen, so you should close your right door. 


Great game, do you think in the next build, you could make the poster Golden Freddy easter egg a shortcut to the Golden Freddy sex scene once you get jumploved by her the original way? also I've gotta say, all of the animatronics look really cute~ If I had to say my favs in order, it would have to be 1: Foxy, 2: Freddy/Golden Freddy (they both are equal in 2nd place in my opinion), 3: Bonnie, and then 4: Chica. P.S: pls make more porn parody games like this!

The poster is the secret sex scene for her, and you can get the poster by repeatedly going in and out of cam 3 again and again until the poster changes to golden freddy's face. 

I tried it later though, and it doesn't seem to work for me anymore. 

I believe they are referring to the easter egg golden Freddy that appears if you click on Freddy's boobs too many times on the poster in your office, not the poster that randomly shows up in the closet and spawns golden Freddy.

I am, thank you

Oh that one


literaly how the actual hell am I expected to beat the 5th night. I'm making it all the way to 4 am and then just dying to freddy over and over if anyone has any advice that'd be great 


Make sure you close the door when freddy is in the next room, also, for the first 10-15 seconds youbdont have to do anything, that way you can conserve the power a little bit


Freddy works much differently then in FNAF 1. In this game, she has a timer. When that timer hits zero, if you aren't watching her, she will move. She will move a total of 5 times. when she has moved to cam 6, this is her last phase. When she is in this state, the next time she moves, you die. Make sure to close the door after awhile of her being there (im not sure of her exact time it takes for her to move, I believe someone on youtube has made a video on this). If you hear her laugh and aren't dead, she has most likely moved back to cam 3.

thanks dude, makes a lot of sense. appreciateit .

Freddy moves 5 times, until she is in the kitchen , waiting to approach your door. If you keep dying to her because you run out of power, then try to conserve your power, and usage of cams. Otherwise, just keep track of her movement, after 5 giggles, she will be in the kitchen, so make sure to close your right door. 


skill issue

you have a button so you can choose who you want to get jump scare 

Those are the sex scene shortcuts. Once you die to a girl in the game, then you can view the sex scene again whenever you wish to.

Hey, so I moved my game to different drive and lost all my progress. Do I have to play through the game again?

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